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After graduating from college, I have had 4 jobs and lived in 2 different countries.

Change is the only thing that is constant in my life so far. And I don't really know why.

Right now, I told them that I'm back for good. But I don't know. I'm not sure.

Recently, I've been flying back and forth for work, so I leave my clothes in my suitcase. And somehow, that makes me feel better about being back home.

Somehow, it reassures me that if I want to leave, I can do so anytime. I just need to zip up my suitcase, grab my passport and take an uber to the airport.


Sometimes I wish that I didn't have any responsibilities.

I didn't have to take care of my parents. And my parents didn't have to take care of their parishioners.

I didn't have to babysit servers, while the rest of my colleagues enjoy their weekend.

So that I can run away. Like she did.

But when I do, I don't think I'll ever come back.

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