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     "What the fuck?"
The random sentence woke me up, making me open my groggy eyes, annoyed. I sat up, letting Jared's arms fall to my waist. Standing at the end of the bed was Paul, Quil and Jacob.
     "Do not tell me you hooked up with that tool." Paul said. I felt my heart pick up pace. I turned to Jared's sleeping face and smacked him on the cheek, waking him up. He sat up quickly, alertness slowly appearing on his face. He looked from me to the boys. I tried to open my mouth to explain, but all that left my lips was silence.
     "I mean congratulations Jared, but Taylor, really?" Jacob said with a wide grin. Jared put his palm in the air and looked from me to the boys once more.
     "Woah, hey, no. I mean I wish," he stated looking at me. "but no." He finished looking at the pack. Paul near fell to the ground laughing. Jacob crossed his arms in annoyance and Quil rolled his eyes.
     "Just a sleepover then?" Quil taunted.
     "Shut up." Jared fired back while throwing a pillow at him.
     "We'll get out of here. Let you two heal things up. Breakfast is ready when you are." Paul said with a wink. The boys then filed out behind him. Once they left the house I turned to Jared.
     "Uh, I'm sorry. I uh, um.." I didn't know how to react to what just happened, let alone last night. The feeling seemed to be mutual. I pulled my hair behind my ear and looked down, not sure how to deal with the situation. Unexpectedly, Jared lifted my head up and placed his lips on mine. I was surprised by the gesture. His lips were gentle and set butterflies free in my stomach. I leaned into his strong frame slightly, enjoying the few seconds our lips were connected. I slowly opened my eyes after he pulled away.
     "Umm..." He spoke, smiling. The circumstance was awkward. Neither of us knew what to do. I got out of bed quickly, nearly tripping in attempt to stand up.
     "I'm just gonna go." I turned around and walked to the front door. As I placed my hand on the door knob I could here Jared getting out of bed. I turned around and found my face only inches from his. He hesitated for a small moment, but then forced our lips together. His hands wrapped around my neck as he pushed me into the wall. His kiss was forceful, but full of emotion and meaning. My hands slowly found their way to his jawline, trying to pull him closer to me. He did not hesitate with applying pressure between our bodies as we moved in sync with each other. His lips shaped the outline of mine as he turned his head to the side. I felt his one hand curl around the small of my back, pulling my hips closer to his. He pulled his lips away to catch his breath, for I was panting, too. I kept my eyes closed, I didn't want to see the unknown expression on his face because I didn't know what any of this meant. My stomach started to tingle when I felt his lips kissing my neck from my jawline to my collarbone. I grabbed his torso and pulled his body even closer as our lips found each other's once more. The affection was clear in both of our actions.
     The tempo slowed as his kisses became calmer and less aggressive. He pulled away to catch his breath again, then placed a lasting kiss on my cheek.
     "What is this?" He whispered into my cheekbone.
     "Attraction." I stated as his lips moved to my jaw. "But not love." He then pulled away and looked into my eyes. "It's not personal Jared." I moved my hand under his cheek. "This isn't anything grand."
     "It is, though."
     "It's not."
     "I want you."
     "No you don't."
     "Taylor give me a chance." I closed my eyes and sighed. "You're just not...not the person..yo-"
     "I'm not the one you want." He interrupted. I nodded. He surprisingly smiled and shook his head from side to side slowly.
     "I'll make you want me, Taylor Spartan." He kissed my head, causing more butterflies to fly in my stomach. He backed away, pulling me with him and opened the door.
     "Ladies first." I looked at him doubtfully and walked by his side to Sam's house. I wish I could have felt wonderstruck, but history made my emotions raw. I wanted to feel flustered and special and wanted, but something held me back. Something told me to not let myself love Jared Cameron.
     I sat down awkwardly. Everyone was present at the table but Sam and his fiancé. The boys looked around from face to face suspiciously, laughing under their breaths. Embry let out a loud sigh as his fist came in contact with the table.
     "Just tell me what happened!"
     "Jared got laid." Quil replied.
     "Nothing happened!" Jared shouted, throwing a spoon towards Quil's face. Jacob shook his head. "I can't believe it."
     "You shouldn't because it not true." I said harshly, crossing my arms. I saw a flash of apologetic eyes glance my way, but it only lasted a second. The boys quickly found their smirks once more and laughed. "Sure, sure."
     "Jerks." I whispered, throwing my napkin on the table. I sat up and left the room, into the fresh air, leaving four dumbfounded faces behind me.
     I slammed the door and trailed off into the woods, finding comfort in the familiar moss coated trees and rocks. I walked for a few minutes, trying to suppress my anger and frustration. Yet, the familiar ticklish feeling I dreaded started to overpower my body before I could calm my racing heart.
     "No." I said out loud. I did not want this to happen, especially when I knew the pack would be able the hear my thoughts after shifting. My body started jerking uncontrollably. I tried to calm myself but the trembling was too powerful. The tidal waves hit my body again, and I felt my muscles expanding until I was looking at two white paws, just like the night I had tried so hard to forget. Within seconds the boys came running towards me, their faces shocked.
     "Damn." Quil said under his breath. I looked behind him to see Sam running full speed towards us. He stopped next to Quil. I couldn't read the emotions playing under his consumed features. I looked around me, eyeing each one of the boys intentionally. I slowly backed away, then turned and ran full speed down the hill beyond me.
What the hell are you doing?
I heard a voice say in my head.
What? Who are you? I somehow replied.
It's Jared. Now stop running and come back. 
Catch me. I ran faster, enjoying myself. Two new voices intruded my head.
What's going on? Embry thought.
Follow me dough head. Quil replied. It was fascinating, being able to hear their every thought. I could see what they saw, too. Each thing they thought was sent to my head with an illustration. I tried to grasp the idea, soon watching them watch me trying to grasp everything. It was mind boggling.
     Before I knew it, Jared had caught up to me. He was preparing to pounce, so I pushed my legs faster.
Shit. He thought as space gained between us. Soon enough he was trailing only a foot behind me. Before I had time to speed up again, he was on my back and were rolling to a stop. The rest of the boys arrived only seconds later. I stood up and made  a noise that could only be identified as a wolf laugh.
I don't know why I was so scared. This is fucking sick. I realized, the boys around me chuckling.
Where's Jacob and Sam?
They thought they were too cool to join the fun. Quil answered.
Really? I asked.
No, Jared corrected. We don't know. I thought that was strange. I understood Sam's absence but not Jacob's. I saw Jared listening to my thoughts intently, he was staring at me too.
It was strange having so many different thoughts running through my mind all at once. All I had to do was pick one and listen. Jared's thoughts were the loudest, probably because he was the most obnoxious of the group.
Hey! Jared thought. I rolled my eyes. Then for a split second, Jared looked at me, and admired my humour and beauty, and for another, he couldn't help but to think of his lips touching mine before he contained his thoughts. Just like that, the whole pack knew.

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