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"So how are you? It must be tough, honey."
"You mean Jared?" I sighed. She frowned and nodded. I leaned my head against the leather seat, feeling it bounce to the rhythm of the engine.
"That's why I was hesitant to become Sam's fiancé."
"Because of Leah?"
"Because I know how that can hurt. The way it's hurting you now."
"I'm fine."
"No you're not. You're a tough girl, but you're not fine. It haunts you everyday to see his face, to know h-"
"Aye, aye, aye. You don't need to remind me."
"Sorry." She sighed. "Maybe we should go to a strip club." She offered blankly. I threw my chest forward despite the seatbelt's protest. My laugh was obnoxiously loud as I tried to breath in for air.
"What?" Emily smiled sheepishly as she shrugged her shoulders.
"A strip club?" I asked, still giggling.
"Yeah it'd be fun."
"Yeah, fun when the pack can read my mind again."
"Just don't think about it." She giggled. "You've been hiding your feelings about Jared all this time."
"Even to myself." I pondered.
"Deep." I laughed again.
"You're so young."
"That's what I've been telling people." She laughed.
      "What are we doing anyways?" I asked curiously. I looked out the window, recognizing the simple houses that trailed past the La Push border. Emily shrugged her shoulders.
     "Not that's there's much to do.." We both chuckled. "I just thought you needed to get out of there."
     "I agree." I said as I sunk deeper into my seat. "We can get ice cream..." I offered. Emily smiled and nodded her head.

She swiftly pulled the car into the parking lot of the The Lodge. We opened the car doors simultaneously and walked into the crowded restaurant. We twisted out way towards the front counter. I smiled painfully at the dark skinned woman behind the cheap countertop.
"What can I get for you ladies today?"
"Two vanilla scoops." Emily smiled easily. I frowned and turned back to the waitress.
"Actually I'd like two vanilla scoops for myself." The lady chuckled and nodded her head.
     "It'll be ready in a moment. Five do-" I handed her the five dollars I took out of Emily's hand, already impatient. She looked at me in a startled manner.
"Thank you." I smiled, trying not to come across as rude. She quickly changed her expression to the fake smile she was wearing before. Emily and I walked to the side of the counter and scanned the dinner out of pure boredom and curiosity. I shifted my weight uncomfortably once I laid eyes on the Swan girl. My face twisted in rage before I turned my head to Emily, shifting my eyes from her face to the girl twice. She looked in the direction of my eyes carefully and gasped lowly. She turned back to me with a frown on her face.
"Are those ice creams ready yet?" Emily asked kindly to the lady behind the double counter. However, it sounded harsh leaving Emily's lips. The woman smiled and clicked her heels towards the end of the counter, handing us the ice cream. We both thanked her quickly and walked out of the room hurriedly with our heads down. I flipped my hair over the back of my head once we were outside.

"I hate that bitch." I admitted.
"Jacob loves her." Emily disagreed.
"Doesn't mean I have to."
     "Jacob would want you to be kind."
"Fair point." I huffed out my air then took a lick of my ice cream, annoyed. "I'm just not fan." I said as I started walking deeper into the parking lot. "Not a fan a-" I started as I raised my head to look in front of me. But a glimpse of pure perfection stopped me in my tracks, causing me to halt abruptly. My eyes only witnessed a glimpse of the pale face that was driving the Volvo beside me, but a small glimpse was enough. My heart slowed though my mind was erratic. A feeling much stronger than attraction was overpowering me, something stronger than love and lust all together. I felt my somewhat numb hand drop to cone of sugar I was once holding. I slowly turned around and watched the red lights on the back of the car blink before it was parked. The inhumanly beautiful man stepped out of his vehicle gracefully, never showing his face. I watched his perfectly sculpted form walk into the diner. My eyes stayed locked on the glass door, envying everyone who had the opportunity to look at his gorgeous face. Within seconds he was through the doors once more. I took a long second to worship his features before realizing he had a girl clinging to his arm, Bella. Shock took over my body though only admiration was visible on my features. I watched him open the car door for his girlfriend then walk around the car to his side. He glanced up at my face for a short moment, his eyebrows twitching together, before he got inside the car and pulled it around the back of the building, leaving me cluelessly in love behind.
     "I'll be damned."
     "Now do you want to go to the strip club?"

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