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I opened my groggy eyes with much effort, rolling over to my side. I was exhausted from the sleepless, tear filled night before. I sat up, looking around my room. Nothing had changed. There was a part of me that had hoped Jared coming back in the middle of the night was a possibility. I checked my phone, nothing. A sigh of sadness left my lips as I tried to hold tears back. I didn't want to go out with my parents, I didn't want to go back to La Push, and I didn't want to see Jared again, but at the same time I wanted all of these things. I picked up my phone with shaky hands, dialling Jared's number. Each ring my heart picked up pace until I heard the voicemail machine, that's when my heart dropped. I set the phone down and gripped the roots of my hair harshly, breathing in quick, small breaths. I closed my eyes and let my tears roll down to my neck before I decided what to do. I wasn't going to be the girl that let her relationship unravel before her eyes. I loved him, and you're supposed to fight for what you love, and that's what I did.


Anxiety crept into my brain as the taxi flew down the highway. I had told my parents it was an emergency and that I had to leave immediately. It was an emergency, and I did have to leave sooner than later, but I felt guilty for skipping out on the one time I'd have to spend with the family I already missed.

I watched out my window and tried to focus on the positive possibilities rather than the horrible outcomes that were trying to invade my brain. I kept my foot tapping the car floor at a steady pace in attempt to keep my heart beating at the same speed.

It felt like we had drove miles a minute by the time we made our way into Forks. The drive was much shorter than I thought it would be. Before I knew it, I was out of time to plan and strategize my approach. The nearly four hour drive of time to construct had slipped through my fingers in a matter of seconds. The taxi halted as I pulled out money to pay the lady. I handed her the cash then grabbed my bag. The taxi drove away as I looked up, facing the house I'd confront Jared in. I took in a long staggered breath then moved my feet slowly towards the front door, dragging my suitcase behind me. I took another deep breath before knocking on the paint chipped wood. Nobody answered. I opened the door slowly, poking my head in. I saw his long body draped over the couch sleeping. My eyebrows pulled together in frustration as I stomped towards him.
     "Jared!" I shouted, making him jump in surprise, waking up. I hovered over him with tears in my eyes. He looked at me in alert confusion.
     "How are you sleeping?" How are you letting me worry and worry when you know what goes on in my head. How do you look so at ease? How are you doing this!" I shouted in his face. He opened his mouth but stayed silent, I puffed the air out of my chest.
     "Answer me!" I shouted. 
     "I'm sorry." He said. My shoulders fell as my body visibly relaxed, though, I was still tense. I waited for him to finish.  He sat up and grabbed my hand, leading me around the couch to sit next to him. He wrapped me in his signature hug and rested his chin on my head as a sunk into his chest.
     "It happened." He whispered under his breath. I stopped breathing.
     "What happened?"
     "Taylor, just know I loved you. I still do. I reacted poorly but I didn't know how to handle the situation. I never meant to hurt you an-"
     "Who is she?" I interrupted quietly.
     "I don't know. I saw her as we were walking out." He said sadly, but you could hear the excitement under his poorly agonized tone.
     "I'm sorry for the things I said, I'm sorry this is al-"
     "Shhhh. We knew this would happen." I cried as my voice broke twice. "We knew. It just, it hurts more than I  thought." I admitted, clutching onto my chest. It felt like someone was pinching my heart, and I was waiting for it to combust.
     "I'm sorry." He whispered with true pain lacing his tone.
     "No, don't be sad." I said pulling away, trying to hide my sob with a weak smile. "You found your imprint!" I tried to say as enthusiastically as I could. I sat up, wobbling as I walked towards the door. He snagged my hand, twisting me towards him. He grabbed my face in both of his palms and kissed me for the last time. I let myself fall into his build as he gripped my face tightly. My tears rolled from my eyes onto his cheeks. I felt the pain and apologetic emotions as I felt his warm breath whisper an apology against my lips. The moment our lips disconnected it felt like I was disconnected from myself again.

short chapter, big drama. i feel like crying now tbh. I shipped them big time even tho I knew this would happen. dude, like the book if you like the book please.

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