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We sat in the car in silence. A few minutes after Edward had left the scene reality started sinking in. This isn't possible. The pack would be disgusted, and I'd infuriate Jacob. Emily looked over to me before she parked next to her house.
     "It's true love, there's nothing you can do about it. Aren't you happy?" She asked. I couldn't help the small smile that pulled against the left side of my lip. I felt blush coat my cheeks as I looked down shyly. The memory of his beautiful face sent the feeling of pure love through my body. I couldn't help the happiness that flooded through me rather then the rage and disappointment I knew I was supposed to be feeling.
     "But what am I going to do?" I asked, looking up worriedly.
     "You tell them." She shrugged. "You find Edward and fall in love."
     "I'm already in love." I stated as I fell back into my chair. "That actually sounds so creepy when you think about it." I realized.
     "I think it's cute." Emily disagreed with a soft smile. I once again couldn't help the grin my lips presented.
     "But when do I tell them?"
     "Just do it now. Get it over with. The sooner you admit it the sooner you'll be happy." She explained with ease. I unbuckled my seatbelt and nearly leaped from the car. An unfamiliar burst of energy took over my limbs, probably trying to distract me from the nervous pit in my stomach. I ran through the front door of Emily's house to find everyone but Jared crowded around the football game that was playing on the blurry television.
     "Where's Jared?" I asked with a puff of air.
     "With Chelce." Quil replied. "Oh sorry. I didn't even thi-"
     "Oh it's no big deal I imprinted on Edward." I said quickly before I bolted out of the room. Emily was waiting behind me trying to hold back a laugh.
     "I can't believe I just did that." I said with fallen features, looking Emily in the eyes.
     "What the fuck?" Paul yelled from behind me. He stood in the doorway with multiple boys falling over his shoulders.
     "Um what?" I asked anxiously.
     "You said Edward Cullen is your imprint?" He yelled in disbelief.
     "Yeah, uh Edward Cullen. He's hot, right?"
     "Are you serious?" Paul asked.
     "Are you sure?" Quil added.
     "You can't blame me! I had no control over this." I defended. That's when my eyes snapped to the far left, finding a poker faced Jacob. I felt my eyebrows pull together.
"You think I wanted to imprint on a vampire? Much less Jacob's imprint stealer?" Silence filled air besides the light wind that sent my hair flowing behind me.
"It must be a mist-"
"Actually Paul it's not." I said somewhat rudely. "Think about if you imprinted on a vampire."
"You mean a leech."
"And you're a mutt." I finished turning around and walking towards the green forest.

I sat at the top of a hidden tree for a while. Remembering innocence and not having the knowledge I did today. Realizing in the middle of my longing for the past that I would never get that back. Impossible. That I should figure out my current life rather than cry over my lifestyle that I didn't appreciate while I was living it. The same thing I am doing now with the wolf chapter of it all. Despite my hard tries, I couldn't think of anything but the word think. I was like an author with no way to end her story, or even begin it. Instead, I spent the hour using my undervalued power to move object with my mind. I watched, still fascinated, as I choreographed dances with leaves and pine cones. Always ending the dance with a sudden drop of the objects. That's how I felt. I took a sudden drop from sureness, leaving me with uncertainty. My eyes wondered around the misty bark scented air. Exploring the hidden beauties of the nature around me. I roamed and roamed until I saw the one thing that I was trying to figure out. Edward Cullen. How I wished I knew his middle name. His age, favourite color, hobbies, music preference. I  found myself wanting to know everything about my imprint. From if he's willing to love me to his opinion on double knotting his shoelaces. He just crouched there. His pale glowing complexion against the dark shade of brown and green around him caused him to be that much more noticeable. The way his honey coated eyes shined brighter than the ice cold skin across his bones. He was a good solid fifty feet away from me, perched on a branch similar to mine. However, the distance did not affect the clear sound of his melodic voice in my ears.
     "I understand we have some discussing to do."
     "About what?" His smirk was charming as he spoke even lower than before.
     "It comes to my attention that I've been imprinted on. I'd like to discuss the label we should put on things."
     "I'm not a fan of labels."
     "You're difficult, aren't you?"
     "I'm not trying to be."
     "Natural instinct?"
     "If you're calling me a bitch after I told you I don't like labels that makes you a bully."
     "I might agree to that term after this discussion." My heart dropped at the sound of his words, though somehow I stayed lifted just because the sight of him sent my heart soaring.
     "Are you the bearer of bad news, then?"
     "Some may say."
     "So what's your side of the discussion?"
     "I'm in love already."
     "So am I."
     "Not really. You know nothing about me."
     "I know I can't help myself. And if I could I'd chase you off our land."
     "But you can't, can you?"
     "Can't I?"
     "I suppose you can't. I've realized my argument may be slightly unfair."
     "It's okay. So is mine." His everlasting smile is all he left me with before disappearing into the greenery.

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