S E V E N A . M

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     "If you feel you're sinking I will jump right over into cold, cold water for you!" I sang at the top of my lungs with my window rolled down. My parents gave me permission to drive their car to visit Lanessa again, they didn't realize I was stopping at the end of the road to pick up Jared that jumped out of my window at seven A.M that morning. Jared didn't try to stop me from singing, he knew I'd pick Justin Bieber over him in a heartbeat. 

I pulled into the hospital parking lot and rolled up my window, parking the car. I felt nervous, and Jared noticed. He grabbed my hand and smiled as we walked towards the building doors. He pulled me closer to his body and kissed my forehead. Despite the gesture I stayed tense as we found her room. I opened the door slowly and gasped when I saw her bed was empty.
     "Where is she?" I whispered. I turned around and walked quickly to the front desk.
     "I'm looking for Lanessa Milnes. She's not in her room."
     "Give me a moment." The lady smiled as she began typing on her computer. I tapped my foot as a waited anxiously for the secretary to speak again.
     "Looks like she's just getting some tests done. It seems that her treatment has been going very well. She's getting much better." I covered my smiling mouth with my hand in relief. I turned around to hug Jared who was waiting for me patiently.
     "You're amazing." He whispered in my ear as the corners of my eyes filled with water. I hugged him tighter.
     "If I can actually do this, why don't I just help everyone who is dying?" I realized, looking up.
     "What if I just made a living traveling the world, saving people's lives?"
     "That's a great idea. But-"
     "But what?" I asked, annoyed. He always seemed to weigh the cons before the pros.
     "That would draw a lot of attention to a girl who never ages." But maybe his pessimistic mindset was a good thing.
     "Okay, maybe I wont make a living off of it, but.....I'm sure there's a handful of people here dying from illness. There's no reason to not just say hello to them. Nobody will realize it was me. I'll be in and out in seconds."
     "I approve." He smiled.

We went out and bought teddy bears and board games from the dollar store then drove back to the hospital. There coincidentally turned out to be a group of young children scheduled to give gifts to the child cancer patients. So we followed behind them about five rooms back so we blended into the group according to the nurses that were supervising, but didn't seem suspicious to the children in front of us. I'd walk into each room with Jared and give another gift to a baby or child. I'd hold their hand for only a few quick seconds before leaving. This process continued on throughout the day until the little kids in front of us were asked to leave the hospital. We followed happily, smiling for the lives that may have been changed.

I dropped Jared off at the beginning of my street then pulled into the garage. I walked into the house to find my father watching the Blue Jays game while my mother prepared lunch. Both my parents didn't work on the weekends.
     "How's Lanessa?" My mom asked.
     "Uh, she's great." I said smiling as I put away the keys. "I didn't get to talk to her, but the nurse said the treatment is working."
     "That's great." My mom smiled. "Why were you gone so long? If you didn't talk to her?"
     "I stopped by Riley's house. She uh, actually invited me to go to a party tonight. Mind if I attend?"
     "If you leave by the time alcohol is served, you're free to go."
     "Ew mom, I'm not the alcohol type."
     "How would you know?"
     "Wild guess." My mother shook her head and smiled.
     "I was thinking about going out, anywhere you'd like tomorrow." My dad said. "Before you have to head back."
     "I'd love that."
     "When do you have to leave?" He asked.
     "As soon as possible, I guess. Monday would be fine. I just have to get back there, I have training to do."
     "Ah yes, because you're the Shewolf!" My mom cheered as the clapped her hands. I rolled my eyes and laughed.  
     "You're actually funny, in an old person type of way."
     "Excuse me, I am not old. Before you know it, you'll be my age. Telling your kids how young you are."  I walked over to the kitchen bar and picked up a crouton from the salad bowl, throwing it in my mouth swiftly.
     "Actually, that's not possible. I don't age." I informed. My dad turned his head to me from the couch as my mom did the same from the kitchen table.
     "Oh? What do you mean?" My mother asked.
     "As long as I'm a wolf, which will be for as long as a live, I won't age. Forever sixteen." I laughed. My parents seemed tense. "What's wrong?"
     "Oh it's nothing. I mean, as a mother I love that you won't age, it's just unusual. Not everyday your daughter tells you they won't get older."
     "Not everyday your daughter turns into a mythical creature." I stated, picking a piece of lettuce out of the salad and eating it.
     "You seemed to take the fact that I'm some ruler werewolf easier than the fact that I can't age." My dad laughed, getting up from the couch and walking over to me.
     "I think it's awesome. And that I have a totally badass daughter." I smiled as he kissed my forehead and picked up the salad bowl I was leaning over. He brought it to the kitchen table and sat down. I grabbed everyone a glass of water and joined the first family lunch I've had in a while.


     "Who's going to be at this party?" Jared asked as we drove to Riley's house. He was wearing a silky looking button up black shirt and jeans, while I wore tights and a casual mid-thigh length white dress that wrapped around my neck. The white contrasted noticeably well with my dark skin. My heels were a brown smooth leather that were laced up to my ankles. It felt nice to do my hair and makeup, I felt pretty.  "And why do we have to be so dressed up?"
     "Well first of all, all my city friends and an additional hundred plus people. Christopher Mautre is a big deal for my high school. His dad's a rich Doctor that lives in a mansion type home.
"All of you live in mansions." He interrupted. I ignored his comment and continued.
"He most likely invited everyone from the grade below and above ours because he's just a people's person. He's very buddy-buddy with everyone. Second of all, this is casual for the event we are attending. Everyone will be dressed like this." I finished as we pulled up to his house.

His driveway was huge, but was crowded with dozens of cars, the street was filled, too. It took me a few a minutes to find a parking space, but I managed to squeeze in between a Volvo and Mustang. Jared and I approached the house hand in hand. The house was a stunning white build covered in bright lights. You could see the coloured lights shining from the backyard, you could hear the crowd too. There was defiantly a band playing as well, but the music was hard to hear over the loud chatter and hollers of joy.
"You look sexy." Jared said randomly, wiggling his eyebrows. I chuckled.
"Well, so do you." He ran his hand through his hair and froze, posing. I took a moment to admire his obvious beauty then laughed.
"Come on." I said, tugging on his hand. He laughed with me and kissed my cheek.
"You do look really pretty, as always"
"Thank you." I felt blush cover my cheeks. "Let's go." I said, opening the backyard gate.

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