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     The sound of the waves were inviting, like the sound you'd play to help you fall asleep. My bare feet climbed rocks along the water silently. I watched the water and listened, listened to the steady thrum of my heart and the quick pace of the footsteps that we're getting louder behind me.
"Taylor?" Jared yelled. I didn't answer, he knew where I was. His face soon came into view, holding a large green book with an Indian head on the front.
"Guess I can't be as cocky now. I mean, now that my girlfriend is like werewolf queen." I laughed.
"You don't think Jacob was just over-exaggerating?" He shrugged his shoulders. "Your job is to look over our existence, I guess." I quoted Jacob in a deep voice. We both laughed.
"Chapter two." Jared said. I nodded and opened the book accordingly, slightly nervous.

The Shewolf
Her presence is one to be honoured, respected and valued. The Shewolf is one of a kind, one for eternity. Once the life has ended of the Shewolf, another is reborn. Her duty is to keep the supernatural world around her a secret, and keep all werewolfs well. Wherever she may wonder, help will seek her acquaintance. She is the one who holds the secret powers of each tribe, and uses them wisely. Therefore, if any Cold One tries to take her powers by ending her life, they are granted honourability by the Volturi for killing a royal blood.

I closed the book, not willing to read another word.
"This seems like quite a job for one person." I laughed nervously.
"Yeah, but if you kept reading you have, like, some wicked powers! And did you know there's like some tribes that literally worship you. That's the reason your the only white furred wolf any of us have ever seen, cause you're the Shewolf." Jared made and explosion sound and threw his hands in the air.
"Aren't you the least bit excited?"
"I am, just a little taken back. Everything has been happening so fast and before I know it, boom, I'm the ruler of the werewolf world." I laughed. "Wow, that sounds so cheesy." We laughed together.
"It does." He agreed. "So what do you wanna do? Learn some new tricks, boss the pack around..."
"Call my parents......" I finished. Jared sighed, obviously disappointed in my choice of actions. However, he still grabbed my hand and walked me down the beach happily.
"Hey mom, so I have some news for you."
"What is it, honey?" She sounded generally excited. I knew she thought this was the 'I'm coming home' talk.
"So I'm going to have to live here a bit longer then we thought...not just after I learn control."
"What do you mean?"
"Um, turns out I'm like the only female wolf in the world and it's kind of a big deal but not really, and now I'm going to have to stay here for a while because I'm kind of like royalty to werewolfs, kind of." I quickly spoke in a low voice. Silence was all I could hear from the other end.
     "I'm here."
     "Well, what do you think?" I bit my lip.
     "I think, wow. Congratulations?" I laughed at her unsure response.
     "I miss you. We miss you. We'll be coming to visit soon. I guess this is it now. No more Seattle, no more college,"
     "Mom! I think shifting into a giant wolf  uncontrollably is a lot more important than worrying about school."
     "I know, honey. But think about how much school you've been missing."
     "What's the gossip regarding my absence Mrs. Vice Principal?"
     "Well, we told everyone you were off to boarding art school, but some have started questioning drug usage and rehab." I couldn't help but to start laughing.
     "Loyal buddies I got." My mom laughed with me. "But now I do have loyal friends."
     "I'm happy for you. For how well you've dealt with all of this."
     "Mom, I'm proud of you for not picking me up yet." We laughed again.
     "I miss just talking with you, dear. What's been going on besides your, uh, wolf business?" I laughed at her again.
     "Well, there is this guy I've been seeing...Jared." I blushed, surprised how saying his name still sent butterflies to my stomach.
     "Oh my! Well how long have you two been dating? What's he like? Is he cute? Well of course he is you have good taste...sometimes." I laughed once more.
     "He's nice. He's sweet and funny and, well, he told me he loved me."
     "I told him I love him too, because I do."
     " Taylor! Wow. Wait, are you two... Taylor I don't want you out of the house and then find out you two aren't-"
     "Bye mom, love you." I hung up shaking my head, blushing. I walked out of Jared's room giggling to myself.
     "What's so funny?" Jared asked. His long body was draped across the couch casually, watching the Yankees play.
      "You were here the whole time? I thought you went to eat lunch."
      "Didn't feel like going without you." He shrugged his shoulders. I cocked my head to the side.
     "Aw!" I said obnoxiously loud. Jared shook his head and smiled.
     "What's wrong with you?"
     "I'm your girlfriend, that's what's wrong."
     "Really?" Jared asked, jumping over the side of the couch to wrap me in a hug from behind. "Because according to your conversation with your mom I'm sweet, and funny and the hottest guy in the world."
     "The last part is a lie, I never said that."
     "Mmh hmm, but who's gonna top this?" He asked, looking down at his body then back to me.
     "Dylan O'Brien."
     "But I didn't hear you say you love him."
     "Oh I do, I just love you more." I said, standing on my toes to kiss him.

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