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I wasn't surprised when I woke up in a pant. I had been dreaming about the only really important thing to me; Edward Cullen. I didn't understand how I had such a draw to him, even after our memorable conversation, I shouldn't be this head over heels about a boy I barely know.

I watched the sun rise out my window; unable to fall asleep. Once the sun dimly lit the sky I laced up my boots and headed outside. I walked deep into the evergreens I was so comfortable with now. I paced far off the treaty line that didn't affect me but invited him. I knew he would identify my scent and find me, he had to be thinking about me too. Right? The unimportant insecurity made the wait seem much longer when in reality he was facing me within only minutes. His features were giving away his obvious pain, like someone was stabbing him in the core. The tightening of his eyes gave away his unwillingness to accept me standing completely defenceless and vulnerable only a few feet away from him. The way his eyebrows scrunched together told me he was trying to untangle the words in his mind, and his safe distance showed he didn't want to give in. I watched his face for a moment before he spoke while looking to the right of me.
"What brings you to this part of the woods?"
"What's so interesting about the dirt beneath my boots?" He looked up and allowed a tight smile.
"My apologies."
"What's wrong?"
"Quite the book reader, are we?"
"I do enjoy The Hunger Games," I paused for a small second. "and your face." He laughed and shook his head, this time not trying to hide his amusement.
"I always find I'm the one trying to read faces these days."
"Says the mind reader."
"Likewise." I smiled, content on just staring at the thing.
"I suppose you'd like talk about...."
"First time I've heard a vampire with nothing to say."
"Have you encountered many?"
"Only a few. All of which tried to kill me." I noticed the defensive tightening in his eyes. I couldn't decide if this was an instinct when a wolf talked about one of them, or if he was angered by the idea someone tried to hurt me. I decided the first though the second was more delighting.
"Need a glass of water?" I asked jokingly. He smiled and shook his head.
"No thank you. Yourself?"
"I'd rather talk."
"As would I." He looked down once and back up before he started again. "I am drowning in my own pool of guilt currently. I don't think this is right." I would have interrupted but I liked the sound of his voice too much.
"Don't you think this friendly greeting is nothing compared to the hours she spends with Jacob?"
"They are just friends." I sighed.
"I know. I can't support this side of the debate on my part." He smirked briefly before continuing. "It's not that I don't enjoy your company it's that....I can't imagine myself with any other person." My heart broke into only about three thousand pieces before I spoke again.
"You see," I had trouble keeping my voice even. I ended up looking at the dirt instead of his face, feeling like a hypocrite for more than one reason. "I am literally bound to you. It doesn't matter if you never choose me, I'll always be this way."
"With Bella, it's really not a choice." It was a struggle to fill my lungs with oxygen after that. I had to focus on keeping my breathing steady, not even ashamed of my rocky voice now.
"I can't argue because we both have our hands tied. I know that anything I say could very well be your words too. I just...I can't say anything but please."
"That means you understand. That means you under-"
"Edward, really I'm sorry. This is inappropriate of me. And I'm not fighting for something I deserve." I smiled with watery eyes, looking up to his face. "I get it. But time does too. There's a reason out of the seven billion on this Earth you were chosen. Out of all the odds, you. And especially when you're a vampire, I mean, who came up with that." I said with a laugh. "And time doesn't have much effect on either of us besides pain. But despite all the odds, I'd willingly feel an eternity of pain for you. And yes, I do know how strange that sounds coming from a stranger. But I also know how weird your negative words sound coming from an imprint. So if I can't, let time show you." Then I ended my speech with some dignity and turned around and walked back to my home base. I wanted my words to linger in the air the way his scent did. I hoped he was still standing in the midst of the evergreens replaying my words in his head. Letting the short time between us change his mind. I prayed maybe his own conscious would mend his love in my direction, though, I felt evil for trying to steal someone's love. Then I just remembered the way it feels for him to love someone other than me, that took the guilt feeling away. The way my heart broke when he confessed his love for another, leaving me stumbling over my own heartbeat. Maybe this would all be history by the morning. Even thought waiting another twenty four hours seemed impossible.

I didn't realize how dark it still was outside until I was at the door of Quil's house. I walked in quietly, not sure what I'd do to occupy myself for the next five ours. I walked into the dark guest bedroom and dropped onto the mattress, letting my body sink into the sheets. I still had Edward's scent stuck in my nose, reminding me of what just happened. Every time I talked with him it seemed like a dream that slipped through my fingers too quickly. Looking to my clock, my point was proven. I'd been out of the house for more than two hours, but the time spent with him only felt like seconds.

I heard three small knocks on my door before Quil opened it. He looked ragged and tired standing in my doorway in his boxers and messy hair.
     "Why does it smell like leech in here?" He asked while rubbing his right eyes.
     "Because I love one." I answered while playing with my boot shoelace.
     "Remember that time you dated Jared," he brought up randomly. "hah!" He said loudly. I laughed and shook my head. "He's so nasty." He complained while crawling under the blankets of my bed. "I mean he's not even good looking." He yawned as his head hit one of my pillows. He poked his hand out of the top of the covers and grabbed mine.
     "It's gonna be alright." He said tiredly as his eyes sagged closed without his permission. "He is your imprint after all."
     "Aren't imprints supposed to like you?"
     "Oh he likes you. I bet he more than likes you. He's just trying to convince himself he's not. He's trying to be loyal. I bet in a few days time it'll smell a lot more like leach around here." I smiled and let my body sink deeper into the soft blankets.

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