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I looked in the mirror and saw a bunch of things I didn't want to. No, it wasn't the many flaws that made my face their home, it was the group of boys that piled over each other in the doorway.
"What's with the obsession?" I asked.
"A certain someone called." Embry said. My eyes widened thinking the one name I knew better than my own, Edward Cullen. Paul laughed.
"It's your mom." I rolled my eyes and shoved through the half naked group.
"I told you she'd think it's him." Embry whispered. I grabbed the black phone and put it to my ear.
"Sup momma bear."
"Taylor?" A melodic voice said over the phone.
"Who is this?" I asked eagerly. It didn't sound like Edward, but the phone could be easily be hiding the beauty on the other end of the line.
"Your little friend from the bonfire." I nearly dropped the phone in shock. My abnormally warm body turned cold as ice, sending a shiver up my spine.
"I'm sure by now the realization is sinking in," indeed it was. "your mom and I have grown quite close actually." I felt my body try to swallow the large lump in my throat. "It would be such a shame if I had to kill her for you, really."
"What do you want."
"As you know Victoria and I have been trying to multitask finishing off our dead pool. You actually probably forgot all about it, didn't you?" He chuckled on the other end. "But you see, we haven't. Now, what you didn't know is the Shewolf's mother has been on it for quite a while now. I just decided to take a step oback and look at it in....proper order. So here I am, sharing a cup of blood with your mother."
"You better no-"
"Shhhh, shhhh. No, no, no. You only say what I want you to if you want to find your mother alive. Do you understand?"
"Now, repeat after me."
"Repeat af-"
"Nah, uh, uh." I heard my mother scream on the other end of the phone. "That type of attitude is what hurts your mother." I turned around from the group of laughing werewolfs and wiped a tear from my eyes.
"If you want her to keep struggling keep talking out of line. Do you understand?"
"Yes." I heard another scream through the speakers. "No! Please st-"
"Shut up! Repeat after me if you want to find her alive. Sorry, mom."
"Sorry mom."
"Should I just come over?"
"Should I just come over?"
"I'll see you soon."
"I'll see you soon."
"Bye, Taylor. Now remember, don't bring any of your wolf friends or I'll kill her the second I smell them. You don't tell anyone what you're doing. You're leaving to Seattle to visit your parents. Each day is a new pain, Taylor. I'd get here as soon as I can. Step out of line and she's done for." The line disconnected as I held my breath. The phone's beeping noise lingered in my ears long after I hung the phone up, taunting me to distraction. I turned to the oblivious, television watching boys. 
     "What's new in Seattle?" Quil asked.
     "Umm, I'm gonna take a trip there actually. Only for a few days."
     "Is something wrong?" Jacob asked.
     "No." I lied horribly. My hands were slightly shaky. "Just a visit. My mom is being overdramatic about the long distance thing." I tried making my lie sound more believable.
"When you headin' out?" Quil asked. Everyone was already occupied with the television again.
"Now, actually. I'll see you guys soon." I almost went up and hugged the group, knowing this could very well be the last time I see them. On my better judgment I resisted, and walked right out of the wooden house I loved. I didn't need anything, if all goes according to plan I'll be there soon.
"Hey, Sam! I yelled once I was exposed to the sunlight. He was walking back from his house to Quil's. "Can I take your truck to Seattle? I won't be gone long."
"Go ahead." He smiled while throwing me his keys from his pocket. I snagged them in the air and jogged to the black GMC, not wanting to waist any time.

Soon enough I was on the highway. I had shut off the happy radio within minutes into my drive. I was in too bad of a mood to even try and bring my spirits up. The four hour drive was hell; all I could think about was my mother being tortured as my wheels spun only eighty miles an hour. The anxious feeling never left my stomach. Not even when the dark truck I was driving pulled into my old driveway. The house was the only thing I could think of. Part of me hopped she wasn't here while the other did. Something about being held hostage in your own house made the bad feeling worse. I wasn't surprised when the grey door was unlocked, practically inviting me in. The house was dark and empty, like someone just stood up and left. My mom's laundry was hanging over the high leather chairs near the table where my dad's work was sprawled out. Dad. Somehow he had never occurred in my thoughts through all of this. Now I really felt like I was going to puke. Where was my dad?  I walked into the vacant house and called out my parents name. No one answered. The eerie feeling intensified as I slowly made my way up the stairs. Step by step, I investigated the entire house. Leaving me with no parents and no sense of piece under my own roof. I left the house faster than I entered, the scary unknown feeling following me all the way into Sam's truck. I leaned my head against the steering wheel. I picked through my brain for a solution. Where were my parents? The vampire had left me with no address or even a clue to where they could be. I replayed our conversation a thousand times, never finding a hint of location in his seductive voice. I grabbed my iPhone from my pocket and tried to log into my parents Find My iPhone account but never got the password right. That's when I realized I had a text from an unknown number. It read:
Your mother really did think you had a future in gymnastics.
GTO. That's where they were. GTO. My old gymnastics studio surrounded in trophies and mirrors. With ropes and trampolines and foam pits and....and memories to haunt her before he killed her.

I speeded down the slow neighbourhood road, remembering the address with some concentration. I flew down the highway as my ponytail sticked to the sweat that poured down my neck. Within fifteen awfully long minutes I was there. I sprinted through the parking lot, through the glass doors and into the dark, musty smelling room. That's when I saw my mother, bleeding and broken, tied to a chair under the single light that lit up the whole gymnasium. She was a solid two hundred feet away from me, surely protected by a clan of psychopathic vampires, but I ran anyways. I sprinted the way I sprinted when I was in wolf form, like nothing else mattered, because nothing else did matter. If I lost her I'd defiantly lose myself along the way.  Before I could reach her a cold hand gripped my wrist tightly behind me. I used the momentum of the restraint and swung my body around with my hand in a fist. But the familiar sadistic vampire stopped my knuckles with his spare hand and smiled. He started twisting my raised arm at an uncomfortable angle, causing my mother to scream behind her duck tape. That's when I pulled my knee up, hitting him in the gut and causing him to stumble backwards. I clenched my fist tightly and took a swing and his cheek bone, sending his head around at an unnatural angle. He snapped his chin back into place and growled at me angry.
     "What? You're an animal now?" I taunted him. Punching him in the face once more.
     "Cocky, are we?" He said as he punched my face, making me stumble backwards and momentarily lose balance. He took advantage of this with his surreal speed and ran towards me with his arm jutted out. The stone came in contact with my face and made a horrible crunch noise, close lining me to the floor. He hovered over me and stomped his heel into my ribs, creating several crunching noises. A moan escaped my lips as I remembered who I was. Someone with much more power. I dropped my head to the right and focused on multiple eighty pound weights in the far corner. I tried to lift the heavy objects with my mind and send them into his head, but they remained on the rack. I started panicking once he grabbed my face in his hand and turned it upwards towards him. He dug his heal deeper into my ribs as he leaned in.
     "I never thought I'd bring myself to taste the blood of a mutt." He said while slowly forming a cut in my right cheek with his sharp nail. I looked up to the ceiling, fixing my sight on one of the large lightbulbs that hovered over our tangled bodies.
     "And never will." I said as I forced the light to drop down onto his head, yet cutting the both of us. He fell off of me and landed to my left, but I couldn't stand immediately. I was occupied trying to catch my breath while pulling the large shards of glass out of my body. I knew he took the worst of the glass so I rolled over to face him and pushed the glass deeper into his back as he tried to slowly stand. I rose quickly, feeling very unstable, and crushed my foot into his neck. His eyes started bulging from his head as I whispered the last words he would ever hear.
     "Unlike most I know you can't kill a vampire with a bullet or a knife. Even a mountain of sharp glass won't do. You have to simply," I twisted my ankle, slowly disconnecting his shimmering head from his glass punctured body. "have to to get rid of their head. I bet this is the last time you try to fight a Shewolf. Or fight anyone at all." With that I gathered all my momentum up and brought it hammering down to his neck. Now what used to be a vampire was a body, black converse, and a head in perfect order. I looked up to my mother that was still tied to the chair with a sweaty, blood stained face. I took a step towards her and opened my mouth, prepared to comfort her, ask how she was feeling, reassure her I had to kill him with my super strength in order to stay alive, but instead I dropped to my knees as my vision went dark. The last thing I heard was a muffled scream.

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