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take a ride on the high life then see what it's like to fall down«

     "Maybe this will all work out." Jacob said, still horribly missing his ex girlfriend, as was I. Jacob and I have spent a lot of time on the beach after our drunken joy ride. He took a rock and threw it into the water, watching longer than he had too.
     "I don't think it's always the part that they're gone," he said, his eyes still distant "but that they continue life at their peak happiness."
     "Well spoken." I complimented as I threw a rock into the water as well.
     "Yeah." He looked down frowning. I instantly started singing
     "I think the first step to healing is just, taking your mind of this." I suggested.
     "But then it comes back to get you." He disagreed.
     "Well haven't we already cried ourselves to sleep enough?" He laughed and shook his head.
"Boys don't cry."
     "I think just letting go is what we have to try to do." I said, ignoring his joke.
     "But I don't wanna let go."
     "Neither do I." He frowned and continued walking by my side. I turned around to face him happily.
"You know, I still haven't gotten my tattoo." I said with a smirk. He smiled and grabbed my hand.
"I guess we figured out how to take our mind off of things."


We pulled into the parking lot of a small broken down tattoo parlour near the end of the La Push border. He parked his truck and jumped out whistling, grabbing my hand and pulling me along side him. He opened the the small glass door, we both ducked down so we wouldn't hit our heads on the ceiling. We walked hunched over to the front counter. A small framed man with long white hair came from behind a curtain, smiling.
     "Jacob!" He greeted happily. Jacob went over and hugged the short man, turning to me.
     "This here is Taylor. We're hoping you're up for another pack tattoo?" I raised an eyebrow, surprised how loosely Jacob used the word 'pack'.
     "This is Will, he was once a werewolf too." Jacob introduced. I tilted my head to the side and smiled, walking up to him and shaking his slim hand.
"So you're here for a tattoo, eh?" He asked in his deep croaky voice.
"Yes sir." I replied, looking down overtop him.
"Huh, never seen a female ask for one of those."
"She's actually a celebrity," Jacob said with a smile. "she's the Shewolf."
"Well then," Will laughed. "right this way young Shewolf." He lead my crouching body over to a black leather chair.
"This might not hurt at all." He smiled as he wiped my shoulder and got the needle ready. I laughed then turned to Jacob.
"Need me to hold your hand?" He sarcastically asked with crossed arms.
"I think I can manage." He smiled then raised his eyebrows.
"What's wrong?" I followed his gaze towards Will who had his eyebrows pulled together in frustration.
"It won't, it won't work." My features mimicked Will's as I looked down to my pain free shoulder. Will was trying to draw the design but the ink wouldn't appear. I looked to Jacob then back to Will. As I opened my mouth a loud howl rang through my ears. My eyes widened as I turned to Jacob who wore surprise across his face just like me. Within seconds Jacob was sprinting out the door. Automatically I shot up out of my seat and followed him into the damp air. He was shaking as he ran towards the tall green trees. I followed him in fear as I watched his body fly into the air and shift in mid transition. Once my feet hit the forest dirt my body changed into it's white smooth fur, catching up to Jacob easily. Tracking the pack's scent, and watching their surroundings in my mind, I passed Jacob and lead the way to the pack's location. They were all watching Victoria fighting with what seemed to be another unknown bulky vampire. Before a minute could pass I was standing behind the group's huddle, tilting my head to the side so I could watch the fight take place. I was ironically standing behind Jared, watching Paul now fight the new faced vampire. Victoria seemed to have fled the scene, nobody noticed but myself and Sam, everyone was too occupied watching the fight. Quil ran down the small cliff and tried to separate Paul from the tall leech while a gorgeous blonde haired girl pulled back the strong vampire. Everything happened within the time span of five seconds. Paul backed away with much effort, Quil was by his side growling ferociously. He was mad that the vampire crossed the treaty line I was unaware of. Meanwhile, also being angered by the fact that Victoria had gotten away yet again. I took a step to the side, standing independently next to Jared who was growling alongside the rest of the pack, I was too busy admiring the new faces to join.

There was a slim girl with short black hair on top of a hanging tree branch, growling, showing her perfect white teeth. Near the bottom of the tree was a man with dirty-blonde wavy hair who's body mimicked the girl above him. Beside him was the gorgeous blonde girl with evil looking eyes restraining the large man who tried to attack Paul. Behind the couple was a handsome blonde man and pretty brunette woman who were obviously older then the rest of their group, yet just as beautiful. And they all wore a set of perfect golden eyes. Eyes I've never seen on a vampire before.

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