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I opened my eyes to an unfamiliar white wall. I sat up, slowly remembering that I should have been horribly hungover. I yawned, looking around the black and white themed room. The sun shone lightly through the sheer black drapes. I recognized the sound of a shower running, turning my attention to the slightly opened door located in the far left corner of the room. I stood up, letting the comfortable silk sheets fall to the floor, leaving my body bare.

I then quickly walked around the large bedroom, picking up items of my clothing and putting them on. Soon enough my slow thoughts remembered I was in James' house, regretting my actions as I suspected. I hurriedly put on the rest of my clothes, eager to leave. However, before I could make a run for it, James walked out of his bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist.
"Leaving so soon?" He asked from behind me. I turned around, watching him pick up a bottle of water, taking a swig then raising a single eyebrow.
"It's too early to come up with something witty to say." I admitted. He smiled then walked towards me, dropping the bottle of water on the floor. He grabbed both my hands as his lips brushed against the side of my cheek.
"You're sure you don't want to stay?" He asked, gliding one of his hands up my arm, to my shoulder, then wrapping his finders around my neck. His lips moved along my face to my lips, kissing them gently. I made a grunting noise then pushed him away.
"You know," I whispered, out of breath.
"I know you can't resist me." He finished, placing his lips against mine again.
"Why is that?" I whispered into his lips.
"Pure connection." He responded as his hands gripped the back of my upper thighs.
"Enough, Prince Charming." I said while pushing him away once more. "I'm leaving. Thanks for taking advantage of a drunk girl who had to pee." I said as I opened his bedroom door.
"I did no such thing." He said under his breath, raising another eyebrow. "You enjoyed yourself." He yelled smugly as I walked down the stairs faster than necessary, fleeing the scene.

I walked out of the grand double doors into the sunny, wet, chilly day, realizing I didn't know where I was. Aimlessly, I turned right and walked alongside the unfamiliar houses, unsure of what to do. The neighbourhood was nice, too nice for Forks, yet I had never seen houses like this along the streets of Seattle. I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket, I hadn't realized I left it there. I pulled it out to read Jacob's name, I accepted the call quickly.
"Hello?" His sober voice asked.
"Where are you?"
"Uh, I'm not sure."
     "Well that's helpful."
     "That's my job."
     "Uh, just fi-" Jacobs sentence was interrupted by James' hollering from behind me.
     "Taylor!" He yelled. I sighed and turned around to face him.
     "Hold on a sec Jacob." I said, pulling the phone away from my ear. "What, asshole?" I yelled back. He smiled as he ran towards me. "Where am I?" I asked sternly once he stopped in front of me. He chuckled again, rolling his eyes.
     "Let me take you home."
     "I'd rather walk."
     "Please? It's only twenty minutes." I sighed then put the phone back to my ear. "I'll see you in thirty Jacob." I then hung up, looking at James annoyingly.
     "Thirty?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
     "You're getting me a coffee."
"More time with my princess." He smiled, grabbing my hand. I quickly pulled away and looked at him in disgust.
"Ew," I expressed. He chuckled as he lead me back down the sidewalk to his familiar black car. I got in quickly, buckling my seatbelt before he even opened his door.
"Never mind," I said as he sat down, starting the engine. "I don't want coffee, I just want to go back home."
"Fine." He said stubbornly.
"What's gotten into you?" I was surprised to hear his voice anything but melodic. He drove down the street faster than necessary after my four blunt words.
"All I do is try," you could hear the usually silent engine start to make noise. "and you won't even give me a chance."
His words reminded me oddly of Jacob's. Perhaps it was a sign, but I didn't care.  
"Oh, really?" I rolled my eyes. "I don't give you a chance? As far as I'm concerned I've given you too many. All because I'm not blushing at your meaningless words and actions doesn't mean I'm not giving you a chance, James. If you weren't so egotistic and took a second to get over your own beauty maybe you'd see that." I heard him grit his teeth as the engine slowed. His jaw flexed as his hands gripped the steering wheel tighter. I sighed and looked out the window, trying to ignore his obnoxious presence.
"Where are we anyways?"
"Port Angeles. "
"How do you expect to get from Port Angeles to Forks in twenty minutes?"
"It was just to get you in the car."
"Would you lighten up?"
"Would you shut up?" I heard nothing but a sigh. I wanted to say something snobby but thought better of it. I kept my mouth shut, leaning my head on the clean glass. I closed my eyes and let my sense of reality drift away, leaving only imagination to be explored.

     "We're here." James said. My eyes focused from the once blurry scenery I was looking at before. I turned to James as I unbuckled my seatbelt.
"Uh, thanks for the ride."
"Anytime." He smiled politely. I opened the door and stepped out into the salt water scented air, remembering the smell of home.
"Really, anytime." James repeated with a wink. I rolled my eyes and waved as I shut the door. His ignorance turned a good moment into one like so many others. I walked past the welcome sign into La Push, trailing closer towards the forest than necessary.

As I let my feet pace towards the evergreen trees the smell of burning bleach filled my nostrils. I stopped and inhaled once more, remembering the feeling of bleach being poured down my nose and throat. I cringed as the smell grew stronger. I looked side to side and realized I was alone. I casually walked into the forest, letting my spine tingle in protest. My legs shivered below me before my body was completely transformed. I looked around with my new vision, recognizing the thoughts in my head that weren't my own. The whole pack was chasing Victoria, the Victoria that was about to cross over my path. Jared and Quil acknowledged my presence in their minds while the rest stayed focused on hunting down the bad smelling redhead. I announced to the ones that were listening where I was, and that if they kept her on the right route we'd crossover.

My fur flew behind me as I ran full speed deeper into the trees, identifying Victoria's scent and following it. My heartbeat quickened as I realized Victoria was getting closer to me, and I still hadn't figured out how I was going to attack her.
Just jump on her. Quil thought. Slow her down then we'll help you from there.
Before I had time to decline, Victoria's red hair was running past the side of my body. I pounced onto her rock hard form and held onto her with the still clumsy paws I'd yet to control. We tumbled to a stop, leaving her on top. Her strong hands crushed my shoulders to the ground as she revealed her perfectly strait teeth and luminescent red eyes. She snapped her jaw twice before moving her hands to my neck. However, within that small second of transition I thought of something, an advantage she couldn't compare with. My eyes jolted to the right, identifying a large tree and demanding it to fly towards her head. Before her strong fingers could twist my neck any further, the tree had made contact with her head, leaving a horrible screeching noise behind. Before I had time to react to the flying wood my body was weightless, Victoria had been thrown off my body. I heard the sound of success and confusion in my head as I turned over to my feet to find nothing but a long tree on the ground. No Victoria. I sprinted to the tree and examined the surface around me. Still no Victoria. All that was left was her scent, but it wasn't strong enough for her to be near. The pack appeared out of the misty woods within seconds. All I heard besides my own thoughts were questions and statements of disbelief. We all turned to Sam after a moment of pondering. He looked at us with his strong alpha eyes, but you could hear the stammered thoughts of curiosity behind them.

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