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We walked casually into the brightly lit party that was in full swing by the time we arrived. The endless backyard was packed with what looked like more than one hundred people. Everyone was talking while swaying to the fast paced beat or full on dancing. I looked around and noticed a few familiar faces from the hallways of the school I used to attend, but none of my friends. I pulled my phone out of my bag and called Riley.
     "Hello?" She asked. It was hard to hear her over the loud roar of people on her side of the phone and mine.
     "Hi? It's Tay. Where are you? I'm here." I yelled into my phone.
     "Oh, I'm with Christopher and some of the girls near the pool."
     "Okay, see you soon." I ended the call. I gripped Jared's hand tighter as I lead him through the swarm of people to the pool on the other side of the backyard.
     "You're familiar with this place?" Jared asked, yelling so I could hear him.
     "Yeah. Christopher and I used to be really good friends." I answered as I saw the pool through the dancing bodies. We squeezed through the last row of people and I looked around. On the other side of the pool Riley, Mahalia, Christopher, Miles and Madison sat in luxurious looking lawn chairs and couches. Riley and Christopher stood up and waved. I waved back and started walking around the pool with Jared close to my side. I noticed Riley watching him suspiciously. 
     "Hi," Riley said, it was quieter on this side of the house. She stood up and hugged me.
     "This is Jared." I said as he shook Riley's hand. "That's Riley, Christopher, Miles, Mahalia and Madison." I said pointing to each one of them. Miles pushed himself to the side so Jared and I could sit. He hugged me once we were all seated.
     "Quite the birthday bash." I stated as Riley moved closer to Christopher.
     "I guess." He laughed. "Where have you been?"
     "Art school. I moved to La Push with my aunt. That's where I met Jared." I replied. Jared looked suspiciously yet nervously to me, he then nodded and smiled. Chris looked impressed as Riley's features made it obvious she was confused.
     "You're into art?" She asked.
     "Best in Washington." Chris answered as he turned to Riley. Blush covered me cheekbones.
     "You've seen it? Her art I mean."
     "Well yeah, she's like an all around beast." I laughed at Christopher's comment.
     "I wouldn't call artists beasts." I laughed. 
     "Look at you!" Miles said exaggeratedly.  "You're jacked, and you've grown like a foot since I last saw you. You've obviously've been lifting." I looked down to my arms. I had noticed the hight change but not my build. It was now obvious the changes in my body. My arms were now well structured and pronounce with muscle, the same had happened to my legs.
     "I didn't notice." I blurted stupidly. Miles rolled his eyes.
     "Yeah right."
     "I didn't know you were leaving. Why didn't you tell any of us?" Mahalia asked.
     "I'm actually sorry about that." I apologized, nervously itching the back of my head.  "I've been so busy and I wasn't sure if I was going to leave this semester but then a scholarship opportunity came up and I just...left." I finished my lie.
     "Well, we're happy for you, and we're happy you came to visit us." Mahalia said.
     "Yeah, do you two want some drinks?" Riley asked. It was then I noticed everyone had a beer in their hand.
     "No, thanks."
     "Yes, please." Jared and I said at the same time. We laughed and spoke again.
     "No." We said in unison once more. We both looked to each other chuckling.
     "Umm..." He said. 
     "Sure." I finished, turning to Riley.
     "You two are too cute." Riley said, walking away to grab us both a drink. I noticed the faded look in Chris' eyes after Riley spoke.
     "How are you and Riley?" I asked Chris, taking Miles' beer out of his hand and taking a swig.
     "Hey!" He shouted. I giggled flicked his cheek.
"Shhhhh." I quieted him.
"We're okay." Chris said, running his hand through his blonde, thick hair. His eyes grew sad, and I could easily tell he was lying. I never thought he would be one to show interest in Riley. I was surprised when they started having a fling not too long before I left the city. I frowned and turned my attention to Riley who was approaching the group, carrying two red solo cups.
"Your favourite." Riley winked. I chuckled as I tasted the Budwiser against my lips.
"Favourite?" Jared asked, raising an eyebrow. He took a sip then turned to me. I shrugged and turned back to Riley who had started speaking again.
"Has she not told you about her drunken stories? If she can remember." I laughed and waved her off.
"I'm much more professional now. I don't get drunk anymore."
"Yeah right." The group smiled.
"So," Riley started. "who's mystery man?" She asked seductively. I rolled my eyes and took another sip of my drink.
"That's Jared." I said for the second time tonight.
"Status?" She asked. I turned to Jared and he rolled his eyes.
"Therapist." He replied. I started choking on my beer. Everyone laughed. Once my my mouth was empty I coughed, nodding my my head and blinking the unnecessary tears out of my eyes.
"Yes. Therapist." I confirmed. Riley raised and eyebrow.
"I'm taking that as a long lived relationship?" She asked. I turned to Jared out of habit, then back to Riley.
"Couple months. Since I've been gone, really." I watched, slightly amused, as the surprise and jealousy took over Christopher's features. He grabbed his beer and took three large chugs, finishing the bottle.
"Let's get drunk." He said, raising his glass.

The party quickly escalated into drunk boys hitting on tipsy girls. Jared and I enjoyed ourselves, watching the drunken conversations between couples and ex couples take place. We danced and talked, too, but the show unraveling was too interesting to ignore. I sat on Jared's lap, laughing with him.
"You never told me you were into art." He stated, taking my hand and playing with it in his.
"You never told me you were interested in being a therapist." He rolled his eyes.
"Taylor!" Drunk Christopher yelled from ten feet away. "Come join me for a swim!"
"I'm gonna have to pass!" I yelled back, smiling.
"Oh c'mon!" He yelled, stumbling towards us. He grabbed my hand loosely. "Just for a bit." He said. I laughed and stood up.
"I don't think that's a good idea." I denied, helping him walk to a nearby chair, Jared followed closely behind us. Chris sat down and smiled.
"Oh, c'mon. It'll be fun, just like the old days. I miss you." He slurred, tugging my arm and pulling me closer. "I miss you." He repeated, grabbing the silver zipper at the top of my neck. Before I could, Jared grabbed his wrist tightly, throwing his arm to his side, while pulling me away.
"Hey!" Chris yelled. I noticed the red mark around his wrist from Jared grabbing him. "Don't touch me." He yelled, standing up. He weakly shoved Jared aside. I grabbed Jared's hand and pulled him back, noticing his palm was shaking.
"We need to go." I whispered in his ear. It wasn't enough. Almost instantly after I spoke he threw a weak looking punch in Chris' direction, but the scream of pain that left his lips proved Jared's punch was much worse than weak. I felt Jared's and my heart pick up pace.
"Don't touch her!" Jared yelled.
"Fucking asshole!" Chris yelled, holding his nose. It's like Jared had punched the sober into him because soon after Chris charged Jared without a miss calculated step. Instinctively I stepped in front of Jared defensively I held my arms out as Chris came closer, but before he realized I was guarding Jared he was tumbling backwards from my push. I heard the gasps around us, now I was shaking slightly, too.
"Don't touch him." I said, mimicking Jared. I grabbed Jared's hand and turned around, pushing our way through the loud silence and evil stares. I held my breath until we got into the car. We both sat down angrily. I started the engine and speeded down the mansion filled road. My hand shook the wheel slightly. Over a few minutes of silence my shaking decreased. I heard Jared swallow loudly.
"Old days?" He asked.
"Not the time."
"Old days?" He asked louder and more seriously. I turned to him, dumbfounded with his obnoxious tone. He was staring at me, completely angered.
"Yes, old days. What do you think that means?" I asked in and obvious tone.
"Don't talk to me like that." He said in an unrecognizable voice. My heart stopped, almost scared of the boy sitting next to me. I opened my mouth to tell him to not do the same, but silence was all that was hearable. He started shaking his head.
"Unbelievable." He said under his breath. My eyebrows pulled together in confusion.
"What do you mean?" My words were barely audible as we pulled up to a red light.
"Whatever." He said sadly, opening the door and walking out of the car, across the street then disappearing into the darkness. I watched him, dazed by his actions. He left the door open, letting the cold, sad air into the vehicle and the honking horns around me that much louder. I slowly closed the door and stepped on the gas, my mind distant.

I managed to make my way back home. I locked the Navigator and headed into the dimly lit house. My parents were on the couch watching a movie. They both turned their head to me.
"How was it, honey?" My mother asked. The sound of my heels stopped as I looked towards her and cocked my head to the side.
"Good." I said after a few long moments, my eyes still distant.
"Did you drink?"
"No." Once again, my answer was delayed. "I'm going to bed." I decided with a sigh. I walked up the stairs slowly, focusing on the sound of my shoes clicking against the wooden staircase. I sat onto my bed and looked out the dark window, confused and dazed.

My mind went elsewhere, trying to forget that I was craving his company. I felt like I was going to throw up, but I knew it wasn't from the two cups of beer I had swallowed earlier. It was because I didn't know what was happening, and that feeling of helplessness and anxiety found it's way back into my body. Something that had been solved a while ago. Something Jared had solved.

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