Chapter 2

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Jane's eyes fluttered open and what Jane saw wasn't pleasant, a man fucking a girl Jane  right at her front she quickly dashed out of the seat she sat, but before she could get to the door she felt the cold metallic gun pointed to her head which brought her to a halt immediately, he sent the prostitute out of the room "get on the bed" he shouted at her though she hesitated

"get on the fucking bed now" he shouted pushing the gun on her head she quickly moved to the bed she was so freaking scared at the moment he pushed her on the bed and came on top of her which made her panic she quickly tried to get out from under him but he pinned her hands down "stay still bitch" he shouted as his hands moved to her skirt she screamed making him cover her mouth with his hands before he could get any further his phone rang

"You lucky bitch" he said as he picked up his phone and carried his gun still pointed at Jane while he took the call

"Yeah?" he answered the call

"I've got her, meet me at the parking lot" he said to whoever called him Jane didn't think that sounded good, he dragged out the door, out of a motel into his car and started driving with his gun in his hand

"what do you want from me" Jane said under a low shaky breath, he just laughed  she felt like killing him right then but him holding that gun made her extremely scared.

After driving for an hour the car came to stop in a parking lot and he dragged her by the hair out of the car and facing the hot guy that was in her car this morning and some other guys and they were holding guns too. Jane thought to herself 'how did I end up in such crisis.'

"Where's the money?"The man holding Jane asked then hot guy called a guy with a brief case signalling him to give it to him immediately he got the box he threw Jane towards them and someone took hold of her

"don't worry her breast are full" the man holding Jane before said, that made Jane angry she got out of the grasp of the person holding her and went to punch the guy but hot guy pulled her back and the guy just chuckled which pissed Jane still wanting to punch him except hot guy seemed to have a huge grasp on her so she spat on him then hot guy turned around walking towards an underground staircase dragging her along not too far inside she heard a gunshot looking back she saw the guy she spat on dead letting out a small screech and faced back front then she took an elevator going up and she was inside a building which was neat and decent, it had lovely white couches even a bar and a very neat kitchen he pushed her on the couch and walked the other guys out of the building. Her eyes started to water  "so could not escape this what of Jake he probably be looking for me" she thought making her cover her face and cry silently, then she felt hands on her wrist "hey, hey don't fucking cry, okay?" hot guy shouted angry

"The name is Damon" he said softly making her more scared "what's yours" he asked though she remained mute because she was still scared she won't see home again

"Don't worry I won't kill you if you don't tell me, come" he said pulling her to her feet then taking her into a room she stopped and held the door handle maybe he was about to rape her

"I won't hurt, I promise" he said pulling her into the bathroom he carried her up on the zinc counter so she was typically his height he gently grabbed her  bruised wrist and treated it when he was done he carried her to the bed and laid her down on it and covered her, for a kidnapper he seemed pretty nice.

"go to sleep tomorrow is another day" he said and sat on the chair on beside the bed, she would have planned an escape plan but she was tired so she passed out immediately.

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