Chapter 6

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Jane's POV

The smell of hospital made my nose wrinkle and hearing beeping noise seemed disturbing, opening my eyes made me realize that I'm actually in a hospital, looking to my right, Jake pacing back and forth, I tried to say his name but my voice failed me neither could I move. Why exactly am I here? So many questions ran through my mind. I finally got my hand to move and Jake finally noticed, walked towards me he started shouting "Jane you fucking made me panic, I almost had high blood pressure, this seriously getting out of hand" he shouted angrily which made me start crying and I remembered the railings how i fell backwards.

"I'm sorry Jake I'm sorry, I don't know what I was thinking" i said crying

"Just don't do that again" Jake said bending down and giving me a peck on my forehead, sitting on my bed "mum and dad are coming back tomorrow when you are getting discharged"

"Jake, can we not-"

"Tell them you keep on saying this but I don't think I can keep that promise" Jake said angrily leaving the room and I started crying again I don't think Jake came back again because I slept.

The next day I was discharged and Jake picked me up, the car was silent so I just looked out the window until I noticed something

"Jake this isn't the way home" I said he didn't reply me "Jake-Jake-Jake" until the car stopped we stopped at the airport, a smile crept on my face we only just picking mum and dad. We got down and headed inside the airport and I saw them I ran towards them Jake didn't follow and just stood where we were, I gave mum a huge hug but she wasn't smiling, she was crying which made my face change and I knew something was wrong

"mum why are crying" I asked worried she just took my hand and kept something in my hand I looked at it, a plane ticket to new york and a flyer to a suicidal depression rehab, my mum handed me a black suitcase too and backpack. I looked her but she kept on crying

"Dad lets go home and think about this first. I'm perfectly fine, see I'm happy" I said smiling maybe they would rethink this decision because I'm fine

"Your Aunt Jenna will pick you up from the airport and take you there okay?" my dad said I just laughed like a crazy person

"where's that fucking betrayer" I said turning around to find Jake but my dad held me back I shouted and started crying again I slumped on the floor not even caring of passerby's "you promised Jake I will never forgive you ever!!!" I shouted crying.

A Month Later......

Jane's experience in rehab was hard at first she started smoking and was so isolated sometimes she flips out about Damon uncles following her or barely eating or taking her drugs. She never saw anybody that visited her but just secluded herself in her room until she faced the fact that the longer she acts like this the longer she stays so she started to do everything right and was moved to a more privileged room Jane got a new iPod which aunt Jenna brought on one of her visits.

Finally it was Jane's final day in rehab and Aunt Jenna picked her up though she was leaving new york the next day.

"auntie I'm hungry" Jane said for the 30th time in the car

"Jane can you wait we are almost home" aunt Jenna said frustrated

"But I want to eat McDonald's I haven't eaten junk food since never" Jane said whining

"Gosh if I knew you'll be like this I would have left you there"

"I love you too" Jane shouted Aunt Jenna laughed parking at the front of McDonald's

Entering inside Jane ordered a burger, chips and a large milkshake and sat down In a booth with aunt Jenna the waitress brought over her food which placed a smile on Jane's face

"Jane you are going to get fat if you eat too much of this" Jenna said with shocked eyes staring at Jane's food

"That's impossible" Jane said with her mouth filled with food

"talk when you've finished chewing" Jenna hissed at Jane's bad habit "I'm going to go use the toilet" Jenna murmured which Jane probably didn't hear because of the food she was eating until she looked up and saw a familiar face which made her choke on her food while coughing Jenna sat back down

"are you okay?" she asked worried patting Jane's back

"yeah I'm fine" Jane said still looking at him until he left then Jane thought 'why is Daniel Modaine here'.

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