Chapter 15

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The smell of sweat which Jane didn't notice as she punched the bag in front of her repeatedly but boy did her dad notice the smell, cringing as he entered seeing his daughter punch the bag "you'll be late for school if you continue" he said sighing at her

"Well there's nothing better than education right?" she laughed removing her gloves "morning dad" she said kissing him on the cheek before running upstairs.

Dressed in her favorite new ripped jeans with a long shirt and leather jacket she walked to her locker, Victoria jumped into step beside her

"Hey Janie"

"Hey, um Victoria I'm sorry about yesterday I was rather rude, it was just one of those days"

"It's no biggie, not like I would have left you alone" Victoria said laughing making Jane laugh too

"Wow Jane your smile is so beautiful, I'm dying to know the cause of this smile" Jason said appearing at their front

"Its none of your business" they both said at the same time

"Calm down ladies I don't bite"

"Get lost dumb ass"

"C'mon Vicky don't tell me your still hung up on that"

"Jane I'll see you later bye" Victoria said walking away

"That was entertaining as much as I'll like more info which you're going to tell me but I have to get to class, bye Jase" Jane laughed before leaving while Jason groaned

Jane sat at the table with Vicky talking about game of thrones when Jason popped out of nowhere giving them both a mini heart attack. Jason sat across Vicky on the table and just noticing Daniel when he sat opposite her

"hey, you good?" Daniel asked especially after yesterday

"I'm fine" Jane replied

"I'm fine too if anyone cares" Jason grumbled interrupting the moment

"no one really cares Jason" Vicky said cruelly

"can someone please tell me the history of Victoria and Jason" Jane asked extremely curious

"more like twilight Jacob and Bella the cancelled story" Daniel said laughing "but the other way around"

"if I invite you to my house would I get more details"


"Jason, Vicky do you wanna with?" Jane said with an inviting smile

"I would hate to hear the story but anything to see you I wouldn't miss the chance"

"Well I'm not coming"

"C'mon Vic you wouldn't leave me all alone with two guys there will be free fat ice cream" Jane pleaded

"Fine, you got me at ice cream" Vicky said thinking about the ice-cream

"It's a done deal" Jane said smiling and standing up "well see you later guys I've got extra classes to go to"


Jane sat on the couch in the living room with Vicky waiting for the guys to arrive and eating ice cream

"so why are you angry with Jason?" Jane asked dipping her spoon inside the ice cream

"I thought were waiting for Daniel to do the story telling" Vicky said ignoring the question before Jane could reply the bell rang "about time"

Daniel and Jason walked in leaving Jane with a wide smile

"Dope house babe" Jason smirked at Jane



"Daniel" they greeted each other in a rather formal tone

"Awkward" Jason laughed looking at both of them before they went to living room.

"once upon a horrible time Jason feel in love with a hot chick apparently the sister of the hot chick was a very jealous one she like Jason too but she knew he could never be with her so she accepted her fate until there was a problem between Jason and the hot chick, Jason was head over heels for this chick-"

"I wasn't head over heels" Jason said frowning

"I didn't say you could interrupt lover boy as I was saying he was so in love that when the hot chick ditched him he wanted to explode unfortunately for Vicky she chose the worst day to tell Jason that she likes him so the idiot came to the conclusion that it was Vicky's fault hot chick ditched him and the words said by Jason cannot be repeated due to violence"

"why do I sound stupid in this story? Well that's in the past now I've moved on from this asshole and the only reason I can tolerate your presence is because of Jane" Vicky said getting angry before walking away to the kitchen

"wow jase u really did a number on her" Jane said making Jason glare at her "why don't you just apologize and hug it out, my therapist told me hug solves all your problems"

"I guess your therapist went to a shit university" Jason said walking out of the room

"I think that went nicely" Daniel said sarcastically and Jane laughed

"you know am actually kinda happy right now, I actually thought everyone will stare at me like ghosts are following me or I'll feel like the weight on my shoulders will keep on weighing me down that I'll drown I'm happy some of you just don't give up in making me your friend" Jane said with a sad smile

"c'mon don't get all sappy on me now I feel like I want to cry. Want to kiss me to seal our friendship" Daniel joked

"way to ruin the moment Danny boy" Jane sighed leaning her head on his shoulders

"common you'll love my perverted jokes" Daniel laughed stroking his fingers through her hair

"I guess that won't be worst words I've heard in my life" Jane said lifting her head to look at him locking eyes with him

"I really want to kiss you right now" Daniel said looking at her lips

"and if I say you can't kiss me" Jane smirked

"then I suggest you file a complaint after" Daniel said lifting her chin up and crashing his lips onto hers Jane didn't waste any time before responding to the kiss she forgot her surroundings entirely and for a moment it felt like she had not been kissed before, she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him down to lie down on the couch - 'crash' the sound was so loud in Jane's ears it felt like her head was hit with a bat quickly pushing Daniel away from her she looked up to the sound looking at Vicky and Jason looking at the broken vase on the floor

"oops I guess we eventually ruined the moment"Jason sighed before Victoria started laughing and they all joined filling thesilence in the house.

*sorry for the late update been busy with school hope your enjoying the book please remember to:




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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2017 ⏰

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