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Jason ^

"You must be bored" a girl said out of nowhere

"And you are?" Jane asked

"Victoria I'm one of Kelly's peeps"

"Well how my help you?"

"Don't worry I'm not here to be an asshole can I join you?"

"Sure make yourself comfortable" Jane said sarcastically then Daniel sneaked up on her which led to Daniel's hand bent backwards unintentionally before she released it.

"I told you to stop sneaking up on me" Jane said angry

"Hey to you too Jane, oh hey Vicky" Daniel said smiling making Jane more angry she grabbed her bag and walked away

"Wow someone's on their period" he said as Victoria smacked his head and walked away

"Is everyone on their period?" he said to himself.

After her extra classes Jane walked to her car which Daniel brought back this morning parked under a tree

"Gosh why did this idiot park here" she said pushing branches away then she realized she forgot her keys with Daniel

"Looking for this" Daniel said appearing out of nowhere

"Can I have my keys?" Jane said frustrated

"Not even a please" Daniel teased

"Daniel I really don't have time for this shit" she said walking towards him and grabbing the keys as she entered the car Daniel entered too "what are you doing?"

"Well you have to give me a ride home because I brought your car here" he said putting on his sit belt. Jane didn't say anything and started driving.

It was a silent drive, Daniel was giving Jane side glances while Jane just stared straight ahead thinking about what her dad told her this morning


"Jane your mum is getting worse the treatment she's on isn't working so they are trying another" her dad said sadly

"isn't there a more competent doctor they are literally just treating her like she's a common patient, she's my mom she's not ordinary" she shouted angry and walking out the house to school


"JANE" Daniel shouted the third time making Jane press the break "you passed my house"

"Shit I'm sorry I'll go back"

"No, its okay I'll walk back you just past two houses"

"No it's not okay I'll take you back that's final"

"Jane stop are you okay?"

"You know what just go" she said dropping her head on the steering feeling the tears about fall

"Jane are you-" Daniel was saying touching her pushing his hand away harshly

"get out of my car now" she shouted as her tears slipped out as he was about to touch her again she got down from the car getting to his side of the door she opened it dragged him out and threw his bag out and closing the door back

"Go home I'm fine" she said quietly without looking at him, entering the car back she drove away

She drove to the academy and was told Mrs Joan wasn't around so she went to her practice room down the hallway grabbing a violin she placed it under her chin holding the bow in her right, she started playing with a very warm start as time progressed she started moving faster on high notes with warm tears in her eyes, drawing the last note she heard clapping quickly wiping her eyes she looked up at Jason

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