Chapter 10

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Jane walked to her locker opposite it Daniel stood with his friends, with her headphones beating loud music in her ears Jane started searching for her music book where she wrote music notes until she sensed someone behind her under fast senses she elbowed and pushed the person against the locker Daniel groaned at the pain flashing through his body seeing his face Jane quickly released him

"Sorry are you okay?" Jane said guilty

"I would be lying if I said yes"

"Idiot why would you sneak up on me like that" Jane exclaimed

Before he could reply someone shouted his name, when Jane heard that voice a smile made its way to her face but faded when Kelly kissed Daniel pulling away from him she saw Jane and her jaw dropped squealing she jumped on Jane, laughing Jane hugged her back

"You are really back" Kelly said releasing her

"And your really a cheerleader" Jane said referring to her uniform "I thought you said it was for sociopaths"

"It's a long story, gosh I missed you"

"Babe I'm off to class" Daniel said to Kelly

"Chill I'm coming with you" Kelly replied "wanna go with us" she asked Jane

"no I've got things to sort out" Jane said forcing a smile, they left and Jane started looking for her music book again which she couldn't find, going to class thinking about how much Kelly has changed before she knew it she slipped from the slippery floor waiting for the impact of her hitting the ground she never felt it opening her eyes she saw who saved her and quickly stood up straight clearing her throat

"I'm starting to think you are stalking me" Jane said looking at Daniel

"Yep I'm a creepy stalker, who just saved you" Daniel said shrugging it off with his hands in his pocket.

"I thought you were with Kelly" Jane said ignoring him

"Wow I saved you and no thank you, Kelly and I don't have the same class"

"Oh so what do you have?"


"I guess we are on the same page apart from the fact you already made me late" Jane said before they heard footsteps

"Shit" Daniel whispered dragging her hand into the janitor's closet

"What the-"Before Jane could finish her sentence Daniel covered her mouth until the footsteps disappeared

"Fuck" Jane completed

"I saved you again"

"No you saved us"

"Are you sure?" Daniel said moving closer to Jane she stopped breathing but he reached for the door.

"could you move from the door" Daniel whispered in her ear, frustrated Jane pushed him back and walked out with Daniel chuckling behind her as they walked into class the teacher didn't even look at them giving them detention Jane groaned and went to sit down while Daniel went to seat at the back with his friends.

Jane left the class after everyone had left not to get mixed up in the crowd after other classes Jane headed to the cafeteria after taking her food she searched for Kelly who sat with her cheerleader friends and Daniel's friends Jane looked around for another seat but before she could escape Kelly called her over to sit with her, the only space was beside Daniel so she took a seat between Daniel and another guy who seemed hot especially with his dark hair the guy turned towards Jane "I'm Jaden Danny's best friend" he said

"Jane, you probably know that" Jane said biting into her apple

"You're kinda popular this week"

"I completely didn't notice" Jane said sarcastically and Jaden laughed

"So Jane how was it like kidnapped?" a girl asked curiously smiling, the question made her uncomfortable but that didn't make the girl stop "did you like see like dead people and blood" they laughed except Daniel because Jane hand was shaking Jane didn't notice especially images flashed through her mind "why aren't you talking are you scared?" the girl said in a cute "or maybe they turned her into a stripper" they laughed again Jaden noticed Jane's hand, voices started screaming in her ears Jane was about to scream

"Beverly enough" he said loud enough for them to shut up

"excuse me" Jane said standing up and forcing a smile to her face she quickly walked to the toilet she went to rinse her face but immediately she kept her shaking hands under the tap she saw blood and quickly switched off the tap looking at the mirror she saw Damon's uncle strangling her she could breath, the toilet door opened Daniel saw Jane struggling to breath and ran to her grabbing her hand and turned Jane, she was about to fall he held her

"Jane look at me" Daniel said desperately but she hadn't yet noticed his presence yet "Jane fucking look at me" he shouted Jane looked at him scared "I'm here okay calm down your safe" Daniel said then hugged Jane cried on his chest and they just stood like that

"You okay now" Daniel asked Jane just nodded "you should go home" Jane nodded again

"After I get my bag" Jane said calmly and started walking out the restroom her legs gave out under her Daniel caught her before she could fall

"Always saving me" Jane said with a sad smile and tried walking again Daniel grabbed her wrist

"Maybe I should take you home" Daniel said worried

"I'm completely fine and you still have class" Jane said trying not to fall

"I'm not taking no for an answer" Daniel said giving Jane her bag and leading her to his Mercedes opening the door for her and went to the drivers side Jane popped her pills in her mouth and drank water

"You alright?" Daniel asked

"Perfect" Jane said smiling asked he drove off

She got down from the car removing her headphones

"Thanks for the ride"

"Yeah, it was nothing" Daniel said as if expecting more, Jane noticed and laughed

"And today to be specific" Jane said smiling

"Better go inside and eat something you barely ate lunch"

"And maybe you should call Kelly she may be worried" Jane said concerned

"Probably not and Jaden said I should tell you sorry"

"tell him thanks" Jane said pushing herself of his car "bye Dan" walking to her door opening the door she looked back, Daniel stared right back at her, he gestured for her to go in and Jane gestured for him to go too and he did it again waiting for her to go in again Jane laughed at his childish behaviour and went inside smiling. 

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