Chapter 12

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Jane couldn't sleep that night she just stared at the ceiling in her room, she hadn't picked up the phone even though it buzzed a few times, when it was 3:00AM Jane got off her bed and went downstairs entering a room with a grand piano Jane sat at the front of the piano placed her fingers on the keys and began playing, the sounds produced more anger than sadness. A word kept on running in her mind and it was HOPE, she felt it had failed her it changed everything, Jane crashed down on the piano crying. A blanket covered Jane, she looked up at Mr Sanders, quickly cleaning her eyes she cleared her throat "you're still around I thought I was alone" Jane struggled to say boldly

"I would have gone but when you seemed kinda traumatized so I decided to stay in case you tried anything out of place" he said

"thanks Mr Sanders but -" Jane said before Mr Sanders cut in

"may I sit down?" he asked Jane hesitated before nodding " Jane, life is way better than anyone places it, you may have goals, plans or thought of the future but life takes its path by itself you don't have a say its like playing pinball the ball takes its way but funniest and best part is that you keep it moving and if you want it to be over its your choice so things maybe giving you second thoughts and your maybe pushing things away or avoiding them but it will hit you, you can't run and hide, face it head on accept it for the fact it has happened but do not run from the brick wall instead break it down and I think it may turn to A, B, C"

"its not as easy as it seems I hate what happened to me I hate how large the scar is neither do I like how much it hurts but I do not want people looking at me seeing how much I hurt and pity me saying she's so unfortunate I just want to be happy"

"you are happy remember you weren't happy till you got home your lucky happiness is all over you" Mr Sanders said "come on I really think you should go to bed" he said standing

"but I can't sleep.......will you watch TV with me please" Jane said standing and playing with her fingers

"okay let me get popcorn and hot chocolate first, FYI I love action movies"

"duly noted" she said with a small laugh moving to the living room.

Jane woke up on the couch with a blanket on her, she felt sick and weak to stand up but sat up straight and noticed she had a running nose and a fever.

"you've got to be kidding me" she murmured to herself before her phone rang beside her when she saw the caller she cursed to herself and picked up the phone

"oh hey is this the brother who is meant to call last night" Jane said sarcastically

"I'm sorry, you don't have to be sarcastic" he said at the other end of the call

"why? was the bed not happy last night"

"very funny Jane and yes my bed was extremely happy"

Jane laughed "so because of your egotistic dick you didn't call, its all cool"

"you don't sound so cool, you alright?"

"I'm okay just feeling a little bit feverish"

"oh my should I come keep you company"

"I would love that but please no, Mr sanders is here so no worries"

"if you say so, is dad back"

"nop still just me"

"okay then take care of yourself"

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