Chapter 9

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Jane headed the school after her parents left for the airport.

Jane drove into the school compound in her new car, wearing a white chainsmokers T-shirt, black leather jacket with her timberland boots. She dyed part of her hair red and wore shades. Everyone stared at the car then the bell rang so they didn't see her as they rushed in, she walked in people stared at her but didn't notice who she was yet because of the shades which brought a smirk to her face, she walked to the administrative office and moved towards the receptionist when she removed her shades the receptionist jaw dropped when she saw Jane she stood up to say something but nothing came out

"Good morning, its Jane if you don't remember" Jane said trying to fix words into her mouth

"Yeah Jane long time, so the rumours are true your back" she said still looking at Jane like a miracle

"Yeepp.........."Jane said to an awkward silence

"Oh sorry, I'm looking too much" she said sitting down and looking through her computer

"It's okay"

"So welcome back here is your schedule enjoy your last year in high school" she said handing Jane her schedule "oh and your old locker too"

Jane smiled and thanked her, she headed to her locker, classes had also started so she headed to her first class when she entered everyone started whispering the teacher welcomed her and the class continued.

After class Jane headed for the library and stayed there till it was last period when the bell rang she left for class when she was in the hallway which was crowded she started feeling nauseous again and people's faces started to glitch she ran to the toilet and threw up again Jane sat on the toilet sit until when school was over and then thought of Kelly , she waited till the hallway was cleared out before walking to her locker she looked at a picture of her and Kelly then her reflection on the locker and her smile faded when she saw the reflection of the guy that kidnapped her on the locker she looked back scared no one was there and she felt her hands wet she looked down at it and saw blood even on the floor which made her more terrified shaking and fainted.

"Jane, Jane, Jane" someone called her name, Jane's eyes fluttered open immediately she saw who was calling her she jolted up, Daniel Modaine staring at her with his brown dazzling eyes Jane's heart started unconsciously racing because of how close he was she jumped off the bed she was on and ran out of the nurses office.

Jane drove home until she noticed her bag was not with her

"fuck" she muttered under her breath parking at home getting on her way to the door Mr sanders walked out of the house Jane sighed with a relief and engulfed him in a hug which made him stiffen, she quickly released him alarmed

"I'm sorry I just forgot my bag in school and the house keys where in there sorry again are you leaving?" Jane said after realising what she did

"It's okay and yes I am leaving the weather is changing and my wife nags me when I come home late, do you want me to stay I wouldn't mind" Mr Sanders says politely

"no don't worry I will be fine alone in this big house" Jane says sarcastically "and I don't want your wife to come over here and nag at me too that for you alone"

"Thank you for the reassurance" Mr Sanders laughs

"Good night bestie" Jane said walking to the door and locking it behind her smiling she changed to one of her brothers big shirts covering her ass she went back downstairs plugging her iPod to the sound system and played a song, she went to the kitchen grabbing 5 cans of beer and a large bag of chips fiddling with everything in her hand out of the kitchen dancing using her back to open the door dancing to the leaving room before she realised who was standing at her front she screamed dropping everything in her hand on the floor

"Are you crazy? What are you doing here? How did you even get in?" Jane screamed freaked out

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to scare you, if you answered your door maybe I wouldn't have barged in and I kinda got your key from your bag" Daniel shouted through the loud music looking at her with a smirk before his eyes moved to her legs Jane walked to the living room at paused the music looking back at him

"So what brought you here?" Jane asked rather rudely

"I came to drop your bag you kinda left it in the nurse's office" he said dropping the bag on the chair

"Thanks but you could have given me tomorrow in school"

"And I also wanted to check on you" he said

"You don't even know me" she scoffed

"wow very much appreciation I'm sorry for disturbing your dancing because I was worried about someone who just passed out in the hallway and typically ran out the nurses office and here she is holding a bag of chips and cans of beer I guess she's perfectly fine right? Goodnight Jane sorry for barging in through your loud music" Daniel said annoyed by her attitude walking to the door before Jane grabbed his arm bringing him to a stop

"I'm sorry I just don't do well nowadays with people barging in places near me I can't really explain but sorry for my attitude" Jane said sincerely releasing his hand he didn't say anything going to the door as he was about to step out "thank you by the way for my bag and the hallway" she said finally before he left.


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