Chapter 4

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Jane has fallen in love with Damon and she is lost in her emotions, today Saturday made everything change for the worst. The door swung open, it was Damon he looked angry he didn't even say hi, he just walked to the study and slammed the door. she walked to the door and hesitated before knocking she didn't hear any response so she opened the door and peeked in, Damon sat with his elbows on his desk and his hands gripping his hair, she walked towards him and walked over his desk to his side and turned his chair to face her

"what's wrong?" she asked

"I'm sorry" he said looking so sad

"for?" she asked confused

"i need to get you out of here" he said

"what?" she was still so confused

"Jane they are going to kill you"


"i tried to help but my uncle insisted"

"but i didn't do anything" she said with my eyes getting wet

"your leaving tomorrow tonight okay?"

"are you coming with me" she said and he gave her a dry laugh

"why the fuck will that happen"

"i want to go but i can't leave you"

"you are stupid and crazy this is not the time for bullshit you and me can never happen don't count on it ever" he said harshly

"I'm sorry but i love you, i don't know why but i have and its killing me because I'm suffering-" she shouted before she could finish she got a slap in return

"don't ever say those words to me again" he said and walked out

Damon left the room and left Jane in the house those words where killing him he walked to a club and drank a lot he went back drunk he saw Jane sleeping and sat down on the bed watching her and he knew what to do.

The next day Damon left through out the day and Jane stayed in the living room staring into empty space until it was 10 o'clock Damon came in and walked to Jane "its time" he told her she didn't respond and gave an humorless laugh until tears started to fall from her eyes he hugged her then pulled her towards the door every where seemed empty

"where's everyone" Jane asked

"meeting" he said still walking

"won't they know you are missing"

"i barely go"

then they walked on the stairs and got to the front door Damon turned and looked at Jane "immediately i tell you to run you go don't look back either" he whispered and she nodded he opened the door and pressed a button cutting out the power and the main gate opened "run" Jane ran until she was outside the gate as the gate started closing Jane turned back and saw Damon he gave her a sad smile she smiled back before she could turn and go she heard a gun shot and Damon fell on his back and blood started pooling around him, Jane screamed and Jane ran back inside to Damon "Damon wake up please wake up" she screamed at him, tears fell from Jane's eyes and someone grabbed Jane by the waist and she started screaming.

They locked Jane in another room until an old man came in, when Jane saw him she knew he was Damon's uncle but Jane just sat in the corner with her hair falling in front of her face like a curtain

"now i know why he sacrificed himself" he laughed "very foolish boy, don't you think so Jane?" he said smiling at Jane, pissing Jane off she charged towards him but before she could reach him two men held her back

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