Chapter 3

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Jane stared at him lying beside her, all she scolded herself for was how she could forget about her kidnapping but she chose to not  feel scared anymore.

"the name is Jane" she said quietly placing her head on his chest


"there was never a chance for apology when it already happened"

"sleep" he told her before getting up from the bed and entering the bathroom and she slept

she woke up and showered before heading to the kitchen which seemed strange because Damon wasn't there then the door opened and she went to the living room to see who it was and saw Damon with a bottle of beer standing at barrier between the dining and living room looking at the guy who just entered the house, he grabbed her hand and she knew exactly where she was going, looking at Damon pleading for him to not let her go with her teary eyes but he walked away she could feel the tears stinging at her eyes and they dragged her away into the same room they took her yesterday, a different man came this time and she struggled yo get out of his reach until another man came pointing a gun at her that made her still and the man dragged her to the bed and removed her clothes before he raped her.

Feeling completely violated she was dragged back to Damon's, immediately the door closed behind her, she cut her wrist again before a thought popped into her head she went to the kitchen in search of alcohol and found exactly what she was looking for and popped the bottle open she started drinking  making time fly away and she couldn't think again when she finished the bottle  the door opened and Damon came to the kitchen seeing her he went to grab a cup of water and gave it to her, she took it and poured it in the zinc and gave him back the cup he didn't collect it so she dropped on the table and went to grab another bottle and sat down before gulping it down until it was grabbed from her hand she stared at Damon and he stared right back at her

"you kidnap me and I cant even drink, I get raped and I cant drink, a fucking gun gets pointed at me I cant drink and I lost my virginity last night I cant drink" she drunkenly laughed sadly already feeling tears fall "please give a fucking reason why I shouldn't drink" she said more calmly standing up and walking away then he grabbed her wrist and turned her to face him and he raised up her wrist and looked at the cut "Jane I told you no more cutting" he said looking right at her and he did tell that but his eyes was telling her something she didn't want to see she just wanted to kiss him she leaned in but he leaned back

"Jane this cant happen, its not your purpose" he said making her even more hurt

"yeah I get it because I'm used right? don't even answer that." she said walking away again Damon grabbed her by the waist and placed her on kitchen counter she was on his eye level

"that is not what I meant Jane i just don't want to give you the wrong idea" he said looking at her but she didn't look at him so he moved her face to look at him "are you angry at me?" he asked and she didn't answer him then he kissed her which gave her jolt a little and she kissed him back and pulled away

"please go to bed" He said

Jane woke up super early today though Damon was still sleeping she slid out of the bed and went out the room closing the door quietly she went looking round for a window maybe she could go home, the window she saw was medium sized she looked outside and saw cameras everywhere  with guards wondering around, she moved to another window it was the same scene, she moved to the door it was locked so she removed her hair pin and tried to pick the lock like in movies but she was inexperienced because she failed so she went back to the room maybe she could get a hold on Damon's phone she searched everywhere quietly and didn't see it so she went to check the drawer beside him when she quietly opened the drawer she saw the phone but the bed moved she quickly bent down and closed the drawer

"what are you doing?" Damon asked sitting up

"Nothing" she said nervously he opened his eyes and saw her on the floor

"why are you awake" he asked looking at her suspiciously sitting up from the bed "nothing" she said stupidly 'what is wrong with me' she thought

"I'm gonna ask again what were you doing"he said again looking more scary and I didn't know what to say so she quickly kissed him and it took him seconds to respond back and his hand slid to my back then we moved to the bed and clothes were coming off.......

Later on she was in the kitchen with Damon, watching him it started to raise questions in her head

"why do you take care of me"

"that doesn't concern you"

"why doesn't it concern me"

"because it just doesn't concern you"

"is this a gang" he didn't reply

"do you have parents"

"stop asking questions" he shouted at her then the door bell rang and Damon went to answer the door before she knew it she was dragged out again, it was like yesterday but this time it was a different man and they took her back.

A week went by quickly but Saturday was strange, there was no door bell and Damon was not yet back and all she could think about how she was gradually falling for him because she  was getting worried.

It was already twelve o'clock and he hasn't gotten back yet she started to pace back and forth until she heard the door creaked open it was Damon his arm was bleeding she rushed to him

"What happened?"

"Why are you still awake" he asked in a cold voice

"You're seriously asking me that, you disappeared and I was worried"

"Please go to bed" he said walking to the bathroom and brought out the first aid box she grabbed it from him

"I'm helping you, you can hit me but I'm helping you" she told him honestly. "Fine" he muttered and she helped him as he told her what to do when she was done she looked at him

"Can I ask what happened" she asked scared he could spark and he hesitated

"Umm...... an ambush like a fake operation" he looked at her "you won't understand I'm related to the leader of this gang, the reason I care about you is because I feel guilty"

"Why would you feel guilty" she asked moving backwards and he looked at her with sad eyes

"I'm the one that chose you, I will soon be this gang's leader and I haven't done anything that criminal and bringing you here was the first, I'm not going to apologize being nice is enough for me to handle" and after that he pushed her roughly against the wall and started kissing her, she didn't push him away it was like he was angry and she didn't complain she was going way too deep, she was falling for her kidnapper and didn't even try running she may have felt stupid but she felt like she could sacrifice everything just to be in his arms before she knew it her bra came snapping off and his hands were making it way to her jeans.........


she had spent a month there already being raped twice a week mostly cry though Damon tries to make her, she felt hypnotized but that didn't last long.


i hope you enjoying the story if not don't give up reading its gets more interesting and please remember to




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