Chapter 8

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Jane woke up early for a jog listening to music then hit the gym straight to the punching bag, she punched the bag repeatedly not stopping letting all her anger out until Jake came in though she didn't notice, and he just stood with his hand in the pocket watching her

"You've been here since six AM Jane" he said but Jane still didn't notice him.

"Jane" Jake shouted this time and she turned around looking startled

"Why did you shout my name? You scared me" Jane said grabbing her towel

"You didn't hear me before I said you have been here since 6 o'clock" Jake said with a sigh

"Wow I didn't notice, what's the time?"

"12:13" Jake said glancing at his watch "sooo.... you okay?"

"Did you seriously just ask me that" Jane said annoyed at him for bringing up the subject walking past him

"Where are you going" Jake asked frustrated

"out of here it's too stuffy" Jane said lost of words, she showered and changed to black jeans, grey shirt and a hoodie, she grabbed her iPod and credit card and went downstairs and saw the chauffeur from yesterday walking to him

"Can you by any chance give me a ride and also show me my dad's surprise" Jane said with an innocent smile and puppy dog eyes

"I do work for you miss Jane of course" he said with a small smile

"I don't know your name and you know mine"

"Sorry I never introduced myself I'm Mr Sanders" he said stretching his hand out Jane shook it "it's nice to meet you kind sir, please call me Jane as long as you don't like fifth harmony and their extremely catchy song you are my new bestie"

"Duly noted though I don't any fifth harmony"

"Gosh I love you already" Jane squeaked with a wide smile and Mr Sanders laughed walking to the car.

Jane got to the mall on the elevator people kept brushing past her and she started feel nauseous as the place seemed crowd and ran to the nearest toilet and threw up.

Jane brought a lot of clothes, shoes, and jewelry for a new wardrobe even calling Mr Sanders for help, she ordered furniture for her room and brought books, a new phone and also a play station with games.

Then they drove for Jane's present she renewed her driver's license and got to a car dealership which was her present to pick any car she wanted so she chose a sport car pagani and drove home with the car after buying a lot of snacks and beer cans which she hid and also a burger, fries and a milkshake with a huge smile.

When she got home she saw her brother putting boxes in his car Mr Sanders carried all her bags inside while she ran up to Jake

"seems like someone been using her credit card more than me wait till dads hears about this he'll turn into a rocket, nice ride by the way" Jake said looking at the black car, Jane squealed hearing about the car she started explaining everything about the car while Jake looked dumbfounded

"Wow I never knew when you grew more interest in car than me" Jake said still looking at her like she's crazy

"come on don't look at me like that, your the one who always watched top gear and that mental place the only thing the security guy watched was top gear then I loved it especially how stupid they are and how honest Jeremy is" Jane said lost in thought until she remembered "so who's going on a trip or did dad kick you out because you drooled on your pillow?"

"Very funny and I don't drool"

"Heard that before" Jane murmured to herself

"I'm going back to school I need to catch up, got a plane to catch"

"So soon I just came back" Jane said with an innocent face "I can't stay with old people I'll catch a disease"

"wow you have completely changed there are no old people in the house and by the way mums going to another state for treatment so you'll be with Mr sanders"

"So much for family welcome at least Mr Sanders is so much cooler than all of you" Jane puffed

"I thought I was always the coolest" Jake said upset "I've been replaced by an old person Jake you need to step up your game" he said to himself walking to the passenger's side of his car

"I'll miss you though" Jane said hugging him "make sure you call when you get there and don't eat the peanuts on the plane again you are allergic remember, make sure you wear socks too it's really cold over there and don't kiss a girl without asking me first also get-"

"Jane I got it I'll be fine I've been there long enough and I do not promise anything on the kissing part" Jake said pulling back.

"But when we were small you said that I shouldn't kiss a boy without telling you first" Jane argued

"come on I'm your big brother and you're the little one here by the way I still saw you kiss two boys and one of them looked like he was a freckle monster and second one looked like he was going to be an ex-convict in the future and it was on the same day you promised not to kiss a boy without telling me and there was also that guy you always made out with you were so obsessed what was his name again drake... drams..... Damon but there was my favo-"

"his name was Derek you're not even close and that freckle monster was so cute how did you even see me that day I was very discrete where you spying on me because of your stupid brother instincts" Jane fired back

"As if standing in front of everyone at a party is discrete" Jake laughed

"Don't you have a plane to catch" Jane said frustrated with the teasing as Mr Sanders entered the car ready.

"Oh right" Jake said ready to enter the car he turned back and looked at Jane "give mum a chance okay?"

"Okay" Jane said smiling then walked to Mr Sanders side of the car "how much did you hear" Jane said looking at him suspiciously

"Nothing apart from stupid big brother instincts" he said smiling

"Wow you're amazing" Jane said with amusement

"I'm right here you know" Jake said from the back Jane laughed

"Bye loser" Jane shouted as the car drove away.

Jane walked into the house just as her room decorator and other people that worked on the room came downstairs she signed some papers and they left.

She walked to the living room hearing the TV she saw her mum sitting on the couch, she sat beside her mum and placed her head on her shoulder

"Jane I'm sorry" she said in a whisper

"No mom I'm sorry for wasting time to be alright instead for spending it with you" Jane said then her mum kissed her forehead.

Jane could not sleep so she stood up covering her mom with a blanket and went to her new room which was mostly black and white she opened her box and brought out a picture frame of her family smiling which she too smile at the picture and placing it beside her bed she arranged all her clothes in the closet though she didn't finish she showered and slept off immediately ready for school tomorrow.


Dear readers please don't give up on my book and please lay your comments and opinions I promise you will love this book because its is going to be unexpected thank you for supporting this book..

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