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"you'll always be a part of me, i'm part of you indefinitely"

A twelve year old Nick watched as his best friend of four years paced back and forth, her dark brows drawn together as she continued to brainstorm in search of the perfect song to sing at the talent show, which was in about two weeks. Meg had an amazing singing voice which Nick had discovered a year after they had become friends, and he'd been pushing her to sing even more to flaunt her talents. She had taken her best friend's advice and encouragement to heart, and of course, she had started joining talent shows and competitions thanks to Nick.

Meg truly did enjoy performing, and singing is what Nick believed she was born to do. It would be a waste to see her talent rot without tapping into her full potential.

"So, what song would win over the judges and the audience?" Meg asked as she turned towards her best friend, a concerned expression on her beautiful face. Nick thought that it was nice that Meg thought of the smallest things whenever it came to her performances, it showed just how much she loved to doing this, but sometimes she could be too much of a perfectionist. It didn't help that she has a competitive streak and wants to win as much as possible.

Nick breathed out another sigh, pulling out his iPod for the nth time this afternoon, to search for songs Meg could sing but would probably reject seeing as she's a stubborn perfectionist. He went through his playlists, a breath escaping him as he tried to see which song she'd actually approve of. He looked up from his scrolling to check on Meg, who was now anxiously biting her fingernails as she watched him look through his songs. He shook his head, dropping his hand which held the iPod and narrowed his eyes at Meg. "Meg, honestly, you need to loosen up a bit."

Meg pulled her hand away from her mouth, a frown forming on her lips as she raised an eyebrow at Nick. "Loosen up? What do you mean, I'm definitely loose right now!"

"You wouldn't be biting your nails if you were," he pointed out, causing the girl to let out a surprised yelp when she checked her chewed up fingernails. It was an unconscious habit that she could never get rid of, and an obvious tell whenever she's anxious or stressed, or both. "You know what? You need to stop thinking of the judges and the audience."

Meg's mouth dropped slightly, her eyebrows furrowing even more with his words. "What? But it's a freaking talent show, Nick! How could I possibly win without thinking of them?"

An exasperated sigh left the boy's lips before he pulled his best friend closer, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. "You need to stop thinking about what others would like, Meg. That's not important. You need to think about what you would like."

Meg visibly relaxed once he said those words, and she glanced over at him with a confused expression. "I didn't encourage you to start singing to win every damn contest around, Meggy. I encouraged you because you had the talent, and you looked like you loved singing your heart out. I encouraged you because you belonged on the stage, it was what you were meant to do and what you loved to do."

Nick held her tight and pushed her head down gently so she could rest her head on his shoulder. He began to stroke her head gently, his voice soft as he muttered the next words under his breath. "Winning isn't important, Meg. It's doing what you love, is important."

Nick heard a soft laugh leave the brunette girl, and he felt her wrap her arm around his waist to embrace him as well. "Thank you, Nicky. I-I think I know what I'm gonna sing now."

Nick smiled, knowing he got through that stubborn head of hers and breathed out a quiet laugh. "Yeah? What is it?"

"Mmm... your favorite song. Hearing that always makes me happy somehow," she pulled her head away from his shoulder to look at him directly in the eyes. "Whenever I hear it, I think of you because you're always singing it every chance you get."

"Always be my baby, huh?" He nodded, grinning as he watched her smile innocently at him. "Nice choice."

"You made me fall in love with the song, after all. I guess it's only fair since you're the reason why I started singing in the first place."

"As long as it makes you happy, Meggy."

dammit this is crap lol

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