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"after all this time, i'm still into you"

Nick's chocolate colored eyes went wide as soon as the final track of the playlist played, and he was flooded with a sense of relief upon realizing that Meg never really did forget about him. If what he assumed was right, then she still was very much in love with him, the same way he was still very much in love with her even after all this time.

Seven months wasn't enough to forget all about the love they had for one another, but it was enough time to heal and mend themselves, stitching back up their broken hearts in order to make them whole again, ready to fall in love all over again.

And this time, he was sure that Meg was ready to take the plunge and fall in love with him all over again. He was sure that she was ready to pick up where they started, so that they can learn to grow together once more and stay right where they both belonged - with each other.

Another notification popped up on his phone, one he quickly opened as soon as he saw that it was from the Messenger app. His heart skipped yet another beat when he saw that it was from Meg again, and he opened up the new message that she just sent.

so did you see it? did you like it?
i just wanna let you know that i still...
i still do love you nick
and if you still feel the same way, can you come to the coffee shop a few blocks from your dorm?
i'll be waiting for you

As soon as he read the last line of the message, he was filled with a surge of adrenaline as he raced out the door with vigor and he made his way over to the coffee shop a few blocks away, the one she had said that she'll be at. But as he raced over to the destination, his mind raced just as fast as his heart was, and was filled with plenty of thoughts and doubts about what were to happen if they were to meet again.

His mind was filled with the same thoughts that consumed him when he was worrying all about his lover, who was miles and miles away from him months ago. He was human after all, he couldn't help but fear whatever what ifs could happen between them. He couldn't help feeling insecure as a wonderful girl like Meg was bound to have countless suitors just waiting for their chance to strike. He couldn't help but think that there might be another repeat of what happened between them, and that could permanently tear them apart, and there would be no more do-overs.

His thoughts began to consume him once more, until he remembered the empowering words that his close friend Serena had spoken to him when he was feeling like he finally hit rock bottom.

"I believe that you two are soulmates, but soulmates don't have to be together immediately. There will come a time when you two will finally be ready for a love that will last till the end of your days, and when that day comes, you will finally feel complete."

PLAYLIST ( NICK ROBINSON )Where stories live. Discover now