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"is it too late to bring us back to life?"

Nick woke up with a pounding headache, feeling as if the world was one big blur as soon as he opened his eyes. At first, he didn't even know where he was until he saw the beautiful girl gazing down at him with a small pout on her face.

"Nick, seriously?" The Italian girl planted her hands on her hips as she stared at him in disbelief, causing the twenty year old boy to let out a groan as he covered his dark eyes once more. "Nick! Wake the hell up!"

He instantly covered his ears, moaning in pain as he felt her screams increase in volume and it felt as if she was screaming at him with a megaphone. "Not so loud please Rena..."

Serena let out a disapproving click of her tongue, and the moaning boy felt hands trying to yank out the covers from his body. "Oh, hell no! First, I let you crash in my apartment just because I'm such a wonderful friend who didn't want to leave her heartbroken friend alone. Then, you end up crashing a frat boy's party late at night when I was out, and I literally had to pick you up because they called me and said the guy I'm babysitting was completely wasted. And now, you seriously have the audacity to ask me not to be loud when all I wanna do is scream at you for being dumb and rip your hair out?"

Nick knew that what he did last night was dumb, especially when Serena was kind enough to let him stay here for a bit since he needed someone to help him get over Meg for a bit. He couldn't handle staying at his dorm by himself, he felt lonely and his thoughts consumed him when he was alone. He felt like he was gonna go crazy if he continued to stay like that, so he decided to crash by Serena's place just so he could escape all his thoughts. But it wasn't enough, he could still see her everywhere he went and his desire to see her grew and grew that he needed something to distract himself from the thoughts of her.

And so he decided to crash a nearby frat party just so he could grab some free alcohol and drink to his heart's content until he could no longer think of the beautiful brunette with the prettiest smile.

What he did was truly dumb, but it was what he thought to do in order to forget, even if it was just a short while. He just needed to get the thoughts of her out of his system, knowing that it will only kill him all over again if he thought about her.

He missed her terribly, even though he knew he shouldn't.

Serena finally calmed down after a little while, once the covers were completely gone to reveal the spaced out twenty year old who was pretty much hungover. She shot him a sympathetic smile, walking over to the boy who was still lying on his back with his eyes bloodshot and lifeless. She reached out to hold his hand gently, causing the hungover brunette to glance over at her slowly.

"Nick, I know it's hard but you just gotta learn to accept that she's not meant for you right now," Serena said softly, rubbing her thumbs on Nick's skin lightly to comfort him. "I believe that you two are soulmates, but soulmates don't have to be together immediately. There will come a time when you two will finally be ready for a love that will last till the end of your days, and when that day comes, you will finally feel complete."

Nick let out a groan, feeling his lips curl upwards as he gazed over at his close friend. "That's so fucking cheesy Rena," he chuckled lightly as he slowly pulled himself up, in order to sit. "But I guess what you said just made sense. I... miss her, but this is for the best."

Serena nodded, smiling brightly when she saw that the tiniest sparkle returned to Nick's eyes as he gazed up at her earnestly. "You just have to wait for the day when you're both ready to come back to each other. I believe you two can make it."

Nick pulled the Italian girl into a warm embrace, breathing out a long sigh as he felt the nineteen year old's warmth, which he hasn't felt in quite a while. He was beyond thankful to have someone like Serena be here for him when he needed it the most, and he was grateful that she's helping him stand up on his own feet once more just after he stumbled. Her words and her support made him believe that he could somehow do this, he could make it through all this suffering because he was strong and so was his love for Meg.

Their love can make it through all this shit, and that he believed.

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