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"oh baby let me love you goodbye"

Nick shouldn't even be counting how long it's been since he last saw Meg, but he just couldn't forget all about what happened. It was all in the past anyway. He could remember what exactly transpired on that day, but he couldn't remember the pain that came along with the events.

Six months was enough healing time for the twenty year old, and thanks to all the help and support that Serena has given to the older boy, he's learned to forget all about the pain and look forward to the future. He's finally learned that he had to wait for the day that Meg would be ready to love him all over again, and he's finally learned that he needed to be ready for the day when he's ready to love Meg all over again as well.

He hasn't really seen her ever since he left her dorm room six months ago after their breakup, and the only reason he knew what was happening with her was that she hasn't deleted him from Facebook yet. He knew that she's never that petty to actually unfriend someone who hurt her, especially because they were best friends long before they learned to love one another. And thanks to that, he could still see her even though it was only through a computer screen.

The first few months after the breakup was terrible, she didn't post much and whenever she did, it was usually monotonous and had absolutely no life in them at all. It didn't suit her at all, Meg has always been the bright and occasionally sarcastic perfectionist who loved posting photos of all the coffee she buys at nearby coffee shops. Not seeing Meg being Meg was absolutely insane, and Nick knew it was all because she was trying to mend herself. He didn't blame her, he wasn't exactly the same Nick he was before they broke up - hell, he wasn't the same Nick he was before they went on their separate ways when college began.

But now, he was slowly reverting back to the old Nick, even though he wasn't exactly the same he was before. Things have changed, and he knew that there was no way he was going to be the same boy he was before. He couldn't become the same Nick he was before, because the old Nick had Meg right beside him to push him straight through. But she wasn't here anymore.

And Nick was proud to say that he didn't even mind anymore.

That's right, he's finally learned to accept that Meg won't be here until she's ready to come back to him, if she ever will.

He still loved her, of course he did, she was the very first person who taught him how to truly love someone with their whole heart, and the first person who taught him how wonderful it felt to be loved just as much as he has loved. She was, and always will be, his very first love.

He glanced over at the framed photo he had of the two of them, with his head placed on her shoulder as he had his eyes closed, pretending that he was asleep, while Meg had a rather bashful expression on her face as she smiled up at the camera with her bright eyes twinkling. It was taken during their junior year, a few months after they had officially become a couple. They looked so happy then, they looked as if they didn't have a care in the world, they looked as if they were gonna be together forever.

A short sigh escaped his lips as he smiled, feeling his heart skip a beat when he fixed his dark gaze onto the smiling brunette girl seated beside him in the picture. He missed her, he truly did. But he respected her decision to stay away, so he wasn't even gonna try to reach out to her until she's ready.

"I'll wait for you Meg,"  he breathed out as he grabbed his backpack, which was situated on the top of his bed right next to the nightstand where the framed picture was. "But for now... let me love you goodbye."


this is the last chapter guys, and the epilogue will be next!

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