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"so wake up your sleeping heart, i know sometimes you'll be afraid but no more playing safe, my dear"

Nick leaned against his best friend's locker as he fumbled with the tickets he had in his hand, his throat drying up as he mustered enough courage to try what he'd been planning. He knew that he's kept his secret from Meg long enough, a year and a half of hiding his feelings from the beautiful girl was almost too long.

He knew that he couldn't hide how he was feeling anymore, it was already too much for him to spend every single day with her while hiding how he truly felt about her. It wasn't fair to her, how she practically confided in him with absolutely everything and promised that she wasn't hiding anything from him, and she never would. It made him guilty, how he faked a smile and told her that he'd never keep a secret from her, considering how broken she was when she found out her father had a child with another woman. It tore her and her family apart, and he knew that she needed someone to lean on and to trust. He needed to tell her the truth, and this was his chance to do it. He needed to stop playing it safe, and he needed to start taking risks or nothing's going to happen.

He was just hoping that her sleeping heart would finally wake up and see that the person who's been there for her the entire time is the one who was truly right for her. He's the one who has loved her for such a long time, and will continue to love her till forever.

Prom night was coming up, and he was planning to take her to the prom as his date and he'd confess to her during the last dance of the night. The last dance was a truly romantic tradition, and what could make it more romantic than a love confession?

Nick knew Meg long enough to know that she was a sucker for romance, especially since she was a hopeless romantic - something that was pretty rare to see nowadays. She was the kind of person that would appreciate effort, after all. And he knew that even though this planned confession wasn't gonna be much, it would be more than enough in Meg's books.

"Nicky! I am so sorry to have made you wait," he heard her best friend's voice, causing him to hurriedly hide the prom tickets behind his back. He was met with a curious looking Meg, who was eyeing his sode suspiciously with a pout present on her face. "What was that?"

Nick shook his head rapidly, his heart racing as he realized that he still needed a little more push to ask her out. "Uhh, nothing too important - it can wait. Um, what about you? What were you doing in the student council room?"

Meg's pout disappeared as soon as Nick mentioned the student council room, and was soon replaced with an awkward smile. She reached up to tuck some loose strands of her dark hair behind her ear, clearing her throat as she glanced over at the student council room. "Well, you know Marc right?"

Nick's eyebrows knitted together as he searched his memories for a Marc, and his dark eyes quickly went wide when he realized which Marc she was talking about. "You mean student council president Marc?"

Meg nodded, pursing her pink lips as she took another breath. "Yeah, he told me he had something really important he needed to do, so he wanted me to help out with some of his work," she began, as Nick recalled all the student council work she's been helping out with. "And when I got there, there was a huge question made up of flower petals on the floor..."

Nick breathed out a shaky sigh as his grip on the prom tickets he had in his hand loosened. "Prom." If he was terrified before, he was now both terrified and intimidated. Marc was practically a heart throb in their school, loved by many men and women, and there wasn't anything wrong with the guy. He was an honest man, one truly worthy of Meg's heart, that was for sure. Nick knew that Meg would be happier with someone like Marc, and that truth terrified him. "Did you-did you say yes?"

Meg shook her head, causing the heaviness in Nick's heart to drop and he instantly felt like the weight on his shoulders was gone just like that. Knowing that she said no to the most popular boy in school gave him a sort of confidence, and maybe it was enough to do what he'd been planning to. "God no, I can't go with someone I don't like. I-I'm just waiting for the right guy to ask me out."

Nick tilted his head to the side as he studied his best friend, who had a small smile on her face as she gazed at him gently. This caused his heart to skip a beat once more, and a smile made its way onto his lips. "Are you waiting for a certain someone to ask you?"

The corners of the seventeen year old girl's lips pulled upwards, a huge smile on her face as her glittering eyes gazed at the grinning brunette boy. "Yeah, maybe." Meg then turned to her locker, entering her combination before pulling her door open.

She was taken by surprise as colorful paper flowers flew out of her locker, her dark eyes as wide as saucers when she found the question Nick has been dying to ask her for weeks. Amidst the colorful paper flowers, there was a card with a question written on it with her best friend's handwriting.

Meg slowly turned to her best friend, her dark eyes still wide and her mouth slightly agape. Her cheeks were tinted a light pink, and Nick thought that she looked absolutely adorable as she struggled to comprehend what just happened.

"I may not be the guy you've been waiting for, but I really hope you give me a chance, Meggy." Nick quickly fished out the prom tickets he had been hiding behind his back, and presented them to the now grinning Porter girl. "Megan Isabelle Porter, would you grant me the honor of taking you to our Prom as my date?"

Nick soon found himself in the smaller girl's arms, wrapped in her embrace as she mumbled her answer into his chest, making his heart race erratically once again. "Of course you dork, I've been waiting for you to ask."

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