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"let me tell you a story of a girl and a boy, he fell in love with his best friend, when she's around he feels nothing but joy"

Harboring romantic feelings for someone you spent so much time with everyday was absolute hell. Nick didn't know how people did that, he could barely hide how he felt around Meg whenever she was nearby. Meg had such a strange effect on him - he'd get all nervous and attempt to hide everything he felt about her with a smile, acting like everything was okay behind that seemingly normal exterior. She'd make him forget whatever he was about to say with just a simple smile, and he would do absolutely anything for her in a heartbeat.

Meg simply thought that Nick was having a little phase, since he just broke up with Serena and he needed someone to pour all of his affections on. Nick wanted to correct her, scream out just how strong his feelings were for her, but he couldn't do it. Not yet. He wasn't emotionally and mentally prepared to tell his best friend that he was in love with her.

He feared the consequences of revealing his feelings for someone he considered a sister, knowing that his feelings might destroy the past six years they have shared together. He didn't know whether his feelings were a good enough reason to throw away their strong friendship, and he couldn't just ruin whatever they had like that. He knew better than that. Their friendship meant to much to him, and he couldn't afford to lose her in a blink of an eye.

He promised himself that he would just keep his feelings inside himself, only telling her about them when the time came and he was ready to risk everything they shared.

Well, that is if she doesn't figure it out first.

"Nick? You okay?" Meg tilted her head to the side as her tantalizing brown eyes gazed softly at the wide-eyed brunette, who nodded his head slowly as he tried (but failed) to calm himself down and control his growing feelings for his best friend.

Nick blinked twice, taking deep breaths as he tried to remember how he acted around her before he even realized he was in love with her. He truly couldn't recall how he used to be around her way before he woke up to his feelings. All he could focus on was the way he felt around her ages ago, the unfamiliar feeling spreading through his veins with the slightest touch of their skin and the light feeling developing in his chest with the sight of her smallest smiles.

She affected him this much, and this was only the beginning. Nick feared what would become of him if be had to hide his feelings for a little longer.

He managed a tiny smile, racking his brain for a believable excuse. "Yeah, sorry, just tired." Yeah, totally believable, Nick. Good job.

Meg's eyes narrowed into slits, her suspicious gaze boring into the brunette boy's face. He knew that she wasn't dumb, and she could see right through him as she had since they were children. But she soon relaxed, her lips pulling upwards into a smile as she reached out to place her hand on his shoulder.

Nick's heart raced upon the comforting gesture, and he hoped that she couldn't hear the loud hammering of his heart against his chest. He gazed up into her beautiful dark eyes and felt heat spread through his chest. He couldn't understand how the strange feelings he felt inside himself around her before, and he certainly couldn't understand how simply realizing how he felt about her made his feelings multiply tenfold. It was like a simple touch would send electricity running through his veins and made him feel alive.

"Don't push yourself too hard, yeah?" Meg managed to give him a small smile, her plump lips pulling upwards as she gazed at him gently. The brunette boy couldn't take his eyes off her luscious lips, which were still pulled into a smile that was directed towards him. The sixteen year old could hear his heart hammering in his chest, his dark eyes widening as he realized what exactly it was he wanted to do.

He pulled away from her in a panic, causing the gorgeous brunette to cry out in surprise as he distanced himself from her as much as he could. "What-"

"Sorry, I just remembered I needed to do something," he hurriedly stalked away without an explanation, his heart hoping that he didn't just ruin the friendship they have built up for years and years, all because of some dumb feelings that he couldn't control.

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