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"we used to never go to bed angry, but that's all we ever do lately. and you're turning away like you hate me, do you hate me?"

"Honestly, what the hell is wrong with you, Nick?" An outraged Meg screamed out, her dark brows drawn together as she stared at her frustrated lover with an expression that said she was angry but she was also hurt. Nick hated seeing her like this, but he just couldn't help it - he feared losing her the most, after all.

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you, Meg?" Nick shot back as he glared at her, his lips quivering as he struggled to keep his emotions contained before they burst out like a fireball threatening to burn down the entire area. "I've been trying to call you for hours, but you didn't even pick up once! And then when I do find you, you're with another man - alone, might I add!"

Meg shook her head as tears began to glisten in her once bright chocolate eyes, anger still clearly visible as she herself struggled to contain her spiraling emotions.  "I told you, there's absolutely nothing between us! He was just helping me with stuff I don't understand and we were running a bit late! I told you I was sorry!"

As much as Nick truly wanted to believe her, he just couldn't bring himself to do so. He trusted her with all his heart, but the throbbing pain in his chest refused to acknowledge the truth in her eyes. His fear and his heart overpowered his thoughts, turning them into a swirling vortex of negativity he wasn't strong enough to overcome.

"Bullshit, Meg! If you don't love me anymore, just tell me! Don't go cheating on me behind my back like that," he spat out, no longer having any control on the words spilling out of his lips whatsoever. "Just... love me or leave me here alone."

At this point, the brunette girl whose lips quivered upon every painful word he has uttered, gave up trying to keep everything in and let loose. Tears continued to flow down the nineteen year old's cheeks, staining her skin with clear streaks of fluid. She harshly bit down on her bottom lip as sobs began to escape her, and she hugged herself in an attempt to calm down. "I love you, okay? God, I love you so damn much, and because I love you, I wouldn't ever leave you unless you wanted me to."

Nick's glare softened when he heard his lover speak such passionate words, and he found himself believing in them even if he couldn't fathom how this could be true. His heart continued to plant rotten ideas in his head, imagining Meg and that boy doing something else more intimate - and the fears consumed him once more.

"Words will never be enough to make me believe you," he found himself saying, his heart stubborn as he refused to acknowledge his brain screaming out about her innocence. He was too afraid to lose her, and he imagined the worst things to happen because of that fear. He was insecure, he admitted that. She was the most beautiful girl he's ever known, and she had countless suitors in the past because she was that beautiful. Every man who gets close to her is a threat, and he couldn't ever digest losing her to someone better than him.

A sound of disbelief emanated from her parted lips, and her eyebrows knitted together in anger. She was well past her breaking point now, and he could clearly see in her now darker eyes that she wasn't going to take anymore shit from him today. She shoved him, her tears streaming furiously down her face as her face contorted into an expression of rage and hurt. The exact same expression he was wearing in his own face right now. "You know what? Fine, I'm done trying to convince you because you're clearly not in the right state of mind right now!" Nick took a few steps back, and she immediately pointed to the shut door that leads out her dorm room. "Leave. Now."

And he did just that.

omg shit's about to go down on this ship

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