Chapter 2

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Jasmine POV

I found myself in front of a hair salon after 30 minutes of walking. I sighed and walked insdie.

"Hello, how may I help you today?" The receptionist asked. I walked over to her and signed my name.

"Um...I want a change. Maybe like a dark brown or light brown. You know what. Surprise me." I said smiling. She nodded and led me to the back to wash my hair. She washed it and started to put dye in it.

She washed the dye out and sat me in a chair. She turned me around so that I was not facing the mirror.

"Trust me. You are going to me surprised." She said smiling. She started to trim my ends and blow dry my hair. I heard the soor open and I looked up. I looked at the person then rememebered who it was. It was that guy that Ant punched. He looked all  better though.

"What do you want Xavier?" The girl that was doing my hair, asked.

"I can't come and visit my sister?" He asked. Walking over and hugging her. She sucked her teeth and went back to doing my hair. I guess he didn't recognize me.

"All done girly." She said turning the dryer off. She took a comb and split it down the middle then combed down the two sides. She turned me around to look in the mirror and let out a shriek.

"You don't like it?" She asked. I shook my head and stood up feeling it.

"No. I LOVE it. It is totally different. I can't even recognize myself." I said.

"Oh yay. You can pay at the desk and when your roots start to show, come back and I will touch them up for you." She said. I nodded and went to pay.

I payed and walked out the salon feeling different. It was getting dark now so I got to speed walk.


I made it to my house and quietly walked through the front door. I turned around and slowly closed the door.

"Ion know why you are trying to be slick. I saw your as from the gate." Anthony said coming down the stairs dressed like as if he was going out. I rolled my eyes and walked past him.

"Come on Jasmine. I already apologized and nice hair." He said following me down to the basement.

"Thank you and I already heard your apology. I am not even mad no more. Just promise you will stop treating me like a child." I said turning around to face him. He twisted his lips then let out a sigh.

"Fine. I won't baby you anymore." He said. I smiled and gave him a hug.

"Thank you. So does my hair really look good? I wanted a change or my new school." I said running my hand through it.

"Yah I like it. I bet dad will but you know mom. She going to cuss you out, mope about it for a day and then love it." He said laughing. I chuckled and took my shoes off. I threw them in to a corner of a room and plopped down on the sofa. I turned the tv on and started catching up on the Love & Hip Hop that I missed. Then I remembered that I haven't even checked my phone all day.

"Ant, can you go get me my phone?" I asked as sweetly as possible.

"No can do. Pops got your phone and he not in a good mood so I ain't going to try anything. But I love and I will see you tomorrow. Im out." He said giving me a kiss on the cheek and then leaving the basement. I hoped up from the couch and walked quickly to my dads room.

I got to his door and heared him on the phone. With out knocking I opened the door and walked in. I followed his voice to the built in office in his room. I opened the glass door and stood in front of him. He lloked up at me and his eyes widened.

"I am going to call you back. I think our daughter has just lost her mind." He said then hung up the phone.

"What the fuck did you do?" He asked still stearing at me. I rolled my eyes and put my hands on my hips.

"I changed it now can I have my phone please?' I asked with my hand out. He chuckled and sat back in his chair.

"No you can't. I got to go though. And before you try to look around this room for your phone, I am bringing it with me. When you loose your attitude you can get it back." He said. I sucked my teeth and walked out his room. I went in to my room and slammed the door.

"Slam another door." My dad said as he walked down the hall. I yelled out of fustration and hoped on to my bed. I feel so bored now. I went under my pillow and took out my mac. I opened it and unlocked it. I went on to my twitter and started going down my timeline. I decided to send out a tweet.

'@princess_jas: Finally got the parents to let me switch schools. Good bye Parks Academy!'

I sent it out and automatically got a bunch of comments. People saying they going to miss me even thoguh they don't know me. Mad people asked which school ima be going to. I don't even know so I didn't answer. I went on to google and looked up public highschools in the area. I looked for about an hour until I chose Reynolds High. It was big and I know alot of people go there. I bookmarked their website and closed my laptop.

"Oh lord your hair! Your mother is going to have a fit." Lucia said coming in to my room with my dinner. She put the food on my side table and looked at me.

"Come on Lucia. Do you like?" I asked running my hand through it. She smiled and nodded. I smirked and gave her a hug.

"Alright Ms. Jasmine. RIng me up when you are done with your food." She said. I nodded and sat on my bed Indian style. I was about to take a selfie but noticed that I didn't have my phone. Great. I took my food and started eating.


After I finished eating I took the plate and went downstairs. Let's see how long I can do something for myself until Lucia comes and does it for me. I got down the stairs and started walking to the kichen. When I got to the kitchen, I was suprised at who I saw.

"Mom?" I said putting my plate in to the large sink. She looked up form her Blackberry and her eyes almost popped out of her head.

"What happened Jasmine?" She asked getting up and just staring at my head.

"I wanted a change." I said shruggin, getting a water bottle form the fridge. She sighed and shook her head.

"I don't remember agreeing to this. And what is this that your dad is telling me about you going to a public school?" She asked arching her eyebrow. I groaned and sat down at the island.

"Daddy said it was ok. I don't want to go to Parks anymore. I don't fit in with all those snobby white kids. I don't have any real friends and I want to enjoy my senior year." I said. She shook her head and picked up her phone.

"I don't know if I agree with that." She said picking up her bag.

"Well to bad." I said getting up and walking past her.

"Excuse me Jasmine?" She asked. I turned around and looked at her.

"What?" I asked with some attitude.

"I don't know when you got this attitude but you need to cut it out." She said. I rolled my eyes and turned back around. I went up the stairs two at a time before she could say anything else.





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