Chapter 17

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Jasmine POV

My brother is going to kill me. I won't see the light of day ever again in my life. Once he sees us in Atlanta, he is going to flip. Like, no chill.

I want to do this though. Who ever this person is, is messing with my family and that means they are messing with me.

The plan is for Amiah's brothers to come to the house. I'm gonna help them get past security. They are going to drive to the back of the house. They have tricks so while we drive past the security, us girls are going to duck. Maria and Laraya said they will meet us at the airport.

I'm ready for this. I just want my mom back then I will be good.

"Their pulling up." Aniah said. I opened my front door and pushed the yellow button by the doorbell which automatically opens the gate without the guards permission.

A few cars drove up the wrap around driveway. The driver side doors opened and I swear I forgot about Mario for a second. Don't worry, I remembered.

"You must be Jasmine." The one that must have been the oldest. I couldn't find my words so I just nodded.

I walked in to the house with them following. Aniah smiled and hugged everyone of them. There was like 3. All of them were just beautiful.

"So how are we going to do this?" The same one asked.

"It's simple. You guys simply sneak us out of the house." Aniah said pain and simply.

"Aniah, I don't have time for your games. Give us details or we ain't gonna do it." A different one said.

"Wait, can I get names because I'm sort of confused right now." I said. They all looked over at me.

"I'm Carson, the oldest one. The one with green eyes is Tyson, and the tall dumb ass is Ricardo or Ricky."

"Call me Ricky." He said. Damn it, he was beautiful.

"Do y'all have different parents?" They all look different but the same art the same time.

"We all have the same dad but different moms." Aniah said. It's good they are so close.

"Are these the luggage?" Tyson asked. I nodded and they started to bring them out the house.

"Damn it Aniah, you never told me they were that beautiful."

"They are my brothers. They ain't that beautiful to me. Plus, Carson has a wife and a daughter. Tyson has a girlfriend and Ricky is just there but he has a son that was just born like a week ago." She explained. I don't care, they can all still get it.

"We are gonna bring the cars to the back." Ricky said. We nodded and started to walk to the back door.

"I swear I can run a marathon through your house." Aniah said. I laughed and turned a corner.

"I'm just ready to get to Atlanta. I'm just scared of Anthony because once he sees Tammy and me he is gonna kill us." I said. I unlocked the back door and we walked out to the cars.

"You go in Ricky's car and I will go in Carson's car." Aniah said. I shrugged and got in the car. He waisted no time driving off.

"Duck ma." He said. I slid down in the seat so that I wouldn't be noticeable.

Getting through security was quite easy. They just opened the gate for them to leave. No questions asked or anything. Dumb asses.

Anthony POV

"Unc, are you sure that my dad has no other tracking device on my mother?" I asked for the millionth time.

We have been sitting here, going through information and trying to find any trackers my dad might have.

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