Chapter 3

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Jasmine POV

I got up early today. Earlier than when Lucia would come and wake me up. I got up excited as hell for today. Tomorrow I am starting my new school and today I am lolwkey going to go and get myself a job. Yah, you probably over there like why the fuck you need a job if you rich? Well, I don't want to always depends on my dad and brother. I want my own money. It's not like as if they going to let me get a job so I got to do it behind their backs.

I went in to my bathroom and took a 30 minutes hot shower. I washed my hair then got out. I dried off and then went in to my closet. I lotioned my body and put on black panties with a matching bra. I did a 360 around my closet and shook my head. I need to clean this shit out. I got stuff that still got the price tag on it that I know damn well I am never going to wear. I decided on a long tight yellow maxi dress and white bow sandals. I put my curly hair in to a messy bun and put on big gold hoops. I am going all natural today. I grabbed my phone off the charger and put it in my bag and brabbed the keys that where on my dresser. I don't even know which car it is.

Oh, yes I got my phone back. After begging my ass off. I don't even remember why I got it taken away but at least I got it back. I left my room closing the door behind me.

"Ms. Jasmine. I was just about to wake you up." I heard Lucia phone behind me. I cursed myself silently and then turned around with a smile.

"Oh, good morning Lucia. I woke up early. But I am going to be right back. Is my dad or mom home?" I asked. I honestly have no idea.

"No they are not but your brother is." She said. I groaned and smacked my forehead.

"Can you please cover for me. Please. If he ask for me tell him....I went school shopping." I said coming up with something quickly.

"You already went school shopping sweety." She said with a light chuckle. Damn it.

"I went to breakfast with a friend?" I said.

"Sure thing." She said opening my room door. I pulled her in to a hug squeezing her.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you. Alright, I am going to see you later." i said and rushed down the stairs. I rushed outside and unlocked the car using the key. Surprisingly it was my dads new black on black Audi. Now I know he is going to kill me for taking it but I can't go back in to that house. I got in to the drivers side and put my bag on the passengers. It is mad pretty in here. I am gonna ahve to get me one of these.

I pulled out the driveway and towards the hair salon that I got my hair done. I love hair. It is like art on somones head and I hope that I get this job. I just love it inside of that hairsalon. So cute.

I pulled up 10 minutes later and parked in the parking lot. I got out and adjusted my dress. I grabbed my bag and walked towards the entrance. I opened the door and the bell rang. I went up to the receptionist desk and it was the same girl that did my hair before.

"Hey girl. I remember you. You had that good silky spanish hair." She said while whipping her fire red weave. it looked great on her. I smiled and nodded.

"I was hopping to speak to the manager or owner." i asked nicely. She smiled and held out her hand.

"Well here she is. I am Monica." She said I shook her hand and she started walking to the back. I followed behind her. We reached a big and nicely decorated office. I sat in front of her desk and she sat behind it.

"SO wassup?" She asked leaning foreward on her desk.

"I was wondering if I can get a job here. When I got my hair done last week I just loved the enviroment." I said. She nodded and dugg in to one of the cabinets in her desk.

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