Chapter 8

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Jasmine POV

I have been sleeping for a good 2 hours just on Mario's lap. I actually woke up 10 minutes ago but I am ejoying the quiet so he doesn't know I am even awake.

"MARIO!" I heard a loud voice yell. That just killed my vibe.

"Nigga shut up. Can't you see she sleeping?" Mario said in a hush but serious tone.

"Sorry man. I went home and she wasn't there so I started freaking out." Anthony. Of course he would walk in to someones house yelling.

"How is boss doing?" Mario asked placing his hand on my hip. All I heard was a loud and long sigh.

"He got worse. In just 3 fucking hours he got worse! If he dies I don't know what the hell I am going to do. My mom is an emotional wreck and same with Jasmine. If he does, my mother is still going to be gone all the time which leaves me to basically raise Jasmine. I can't man." Anthony said. My eyes shot open and I sat up. They both just looked at me.

"He got worse? Honestly, is he going to die?" I asked. I would rather them say yes so that I can cry and greive now and if he really does, it won't be as hard. Either way I can't have him die.

"I don't know Jasmine. You just got to have faith and pray he pulls through." Anthony said getting up and pulling me in to his chest. Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry.

"Some people be in a coma for years but still live. It's possible." Mario said trying to make it better but sort of failing.

I sighed and put on my boots. I slipped my jacket on and walked to the front door.

"Unlock your car Ant. I am tired and I have school tomorrow. Bye Mario." I said blankly and walked over to Anthony's car. I opened the backseat door and slipped inside.

A couple for minutess, Anthony came out of Mario's house.

"What do you want to eat Jas?" He asked driving towards our house. I shook my head no and wiped my face.

"You ahve to eat something." He said sighing at the end. I just lost all appetite that I might have.

"No. I am not hungry. Just tired." I said. He didn't say anything back to me after that.


I got in to the house and went straight to my room. I walked past my parent's room and I could hear my mom crying and Drake playing in the background. I shook my head and went in to my room. I took my shoes off and landed pace down on my bed. I took a deep sigh and screamed in to my comforters.

"Jasmine please eat something man." Antony said coming in to my room. I could smell the pizza but I just wasn't in the mood.

"Anthony, I am just not hungry. Maybe later." I said raising my head to look at him standing at the foot of my bed with a plate in hand.

"Jasmine, I know you. You eat every damn minute. Now, you can eat this food like a big girl or I can feed you." He said sitting down on my bed. I pouted and put my face back in to the blanket.

"I guess you are choosing the hard way." He said. Before I knew it I was on my back laughing like crazy because this nigga decides to tickle me. 

When my mouth was open he showed the pizza in my mouth and I was force to take a bite. He put it back on the plate smiling. I rolled my eyes and chewed slowly. Can't even lie...the bite was good as hell.

"Anthony, if dad you think that you could raise me?" I asked. I know he was all like he can't but I want him to say it to my face.

"I can but I am scared. I might be having a baby on the way and then having to care of you and mom. I don't know. If dad dies, I will step up and be the man of the house even though it may be hard." He said shrugging. I sighed and laid my head on his shoulder.

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