Chapter 14

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Jasmine POV

"Mario, can we talk?" I asked, sitting next to him on his bed.

I decided to come over to his house after school and stay the night. I might as well tell him now.

"Wassup Jasmine?" He asked putting his phone down.

"I have to tell you something." I said while moving to sit in front of him.

"What did you do?" He asked. I chuckled nervously.

"I didn't do anything...serious." I said. He rose an eyebrow while looking at me. I looked down and fiddled with my fingers.

"You know Xavier right?" I asked.

"Yah. What about him?" He asked.

"One day you was at your care waiting for me and he came up to me at my locker. We was just talking and stuff and then he gave me a hug. He didn't let go and we..." I stopped talking and looked at him. His face had tensed up and he had a frown on his face. "We kissed." I said. He nodded and looked away from me.

"Oh for real? Cool." He said before getting up from the bed.

"Mario please don't be like that?" I said grabbing his arm. He took a deep breath and turned to me.

"What Jaz?" He asked calmly.

"Why are you mad? It was just a kiss." I said. I stood up, in front of him.

"The hell you asking stupid questions for? Am I suppose to be happy my girl kissed my homeboy?" He asked. I folded my arms and looked down at my feet. "Stop looking down Jasmine. I'm talking to you." He said.

I raised my head to look at him.

"I'm sorry. It was an accident." I said softly.

"Did you kiss him or did he kiss you?" He asked.

"He kissed me first of course. I honestly wouldn't have done that to you." I said. He moved me to the side and walked towards the door.

"Where are you going Mario?" I asked.

"Chill. I'm not leaving. I'm just going outside real quick." He said before leaving the room.

I don't want him to be angry. The last thing I need is someone angry at me. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I checked it quickly.

It was a text message from an unknown number. I was pretty hesitant to open it but did anyways.

'All good things must come to an end...right?'

I had to read that message over again. All good things must come to an end? What?

Anthony POV

"Can you calm down?" Tamy said, bringing me a plate of food, while on the phone.

"Who that?" I asked. She held up her finger and left the room. She came back a couple of minutes later, off the phone and with a plate for herself.

"Your sister is freaking out." She said as she started to eat.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"She got some scary text from some unknown number." She said. I shook my head and started eating. I feel like maybe I should start paying closet attention to her and have people watch her at all times because her life is my life.

"I'm having a girl." Tamy said placing her hand on her round stomach. I just smiled looking at my beautiful baby mother.

"It's going to a surprise and a boy." I said. She laughed and continued eating.

I can't wait for my little one to come. That's gonna be my pride and joy right there.

"Anthony! The door." Tamy said. I guess I was spacing out. I got up and went to open the door.

"Took you long enough." Tyrese said once I opened the door. He let himself in and I shut the door behind him.

"Isn't it the fat fuck." He said as he sat on the opposite couch from Tamy. Tamy looked at him and mugged him.

"I hate you." She said.

"Not my fault Planet Fitness not working for you. You need a diet or something." He said. Why he always have to hate soon my girl.

"Nigga shut up. She is pregnant not fat." I said. I finished up my food and picked up me and Tamy's plate.

"Cause she a hoe. A fat one." He said. I made sure to smack his head while I walked out.

"One day, don't be surprised when I shoot you." I heard Tamy say. Ty better be careful because I taught her how to use a gun and he doesn't want any of that.

I dropped the plates in the sink and grabbed a water bottle. I enter the living room and then two was just going at it.

"Can y'all shut the hell up. Always fighting like you actually have something to fight about." I said, taking my seat.

"It's always her ass. On to more relevant shit, has your mom come home yet?" He asked.

"Nope. Uncle Marc is tracking her as we speak. I'm praying she is good because it'd she isn't, I know Jasmine gonna take it hard." I replied. I rubbed my face up BBC and down and sighed loudly.

"Where is the little devil anyways?" Ty asked. This nigga is so disrespectful but you can't help but laugh at him.

"She is with Mario till tomorrow." I said. Tamy started to dose off and I pulled her closer to me and laid her head on my lap. It's true that pregnant people always tired.

"Aight well I'm about to head out." He said. We slapped hands and he left.

??? POV

"It would suck if anything happened to your children, right." I asked her. She just looked at me with so much hate.

"Don't touch them. I swear to god-"

"What you gonna do Amanda? Call your husband. Oh wait. That nigga is dead. It's only about time your kids get gone. I might just keep you. I want a girl like you on my arm." I said, while walking up to her. I stroked her cheek and she turned away. I chuckled lowly. "Your daughter looks just like you. Jasmine right?" I asked. I know I'm getting to her.

"Leave my children alone!" She screamed.

"Amanda, since when where you so hostile to me. You forget about the good old days. It was always just you and me. Then you saw Louis and forgot all about me." I said. She looked st me with a frown. I know just the right buttons to push.

"All I'm asking for is you to leave my family alone." She said lowly.

"No can do. When I want something I go after it. You should know that out of anybody." I said.

"The past is the past for a reason. Let it go. We will never be anything ever again. I'm done with you." She said. That's where she is wrong. It's not over until I say so.

"It was never over Amanda. You and me where suppose to be together. You just saw money and ran to Louis. Now he is gone and I got everything you need. We can start pur own family." I said. I cupped her face with both my hands. I gave her long kiss but she ain't even kiss back.

"Don't worry ma. I got you. You stuck here forever." I said. She let some tears go and I wiped them away for her. I can't have MY lady crying.


Small Chapter. I know. Excuse my mistakes.

Things are gonna get goooood!

-What do you think that text meant??

-Their mom though ....

-Are they gonna find her?

What do you think is going to happen??


35 VOTES!!!


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