Chapter 25

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Jasmine in MM >>

Anthony POV

"Nigga don't be fucking stupid. It was another nigga named Demarcus." He said, smacking my head. I let out a sigh of relief. I don't know what I would do if I found out he killed his own blood. If he could kill his twin, he could easily kill my dad. "It was a different boy named DeMarcus. We all went to school together and we were cool." he said.

"Why would you be friends with someone with the same name as you?" I asked. That seems pretty stupid to me.

"It was funny as hell. We had hoes fighting each other because they both thought they were with one person. But we fell out. Long story short, I fucked his girl and his babymomma and he caught feelings and basically stop fucking with me and starts chilling with the Opps." he said shrugging. I could tell he could really no fucks.

"Damn. Why would he kill Bennie though?" Tyrese asked.

"To get back at me. He knew how much Bennie meant to me. I don't feel like talking about this anymore so let's focus on what we are going to do." He said, dropping the subject.

"Ok, I have an idea." I said.

Jasmine POV

"Hey you." I smiled at Chanel and Aniah as I approached my locker.

"What's up girly. We barely hang anymore. We need to change that." Aniah said, giving me a side hug.

"I know. What ever happened to Sevyn and Rebecca?" I asked as I opened my locker. I rolled my eyes once I saw roses and an Ugg Australia box in my locker.

"First, I have zero idea. Second, WHO IS GETTING YOU THIS?" Chanel squealed. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my textbook.

"Shit, you want them? Mario sent them." I said. She gasped and clutched her chest.

"Are you seriously going to pass up free Uggs? I had to save up so many paychecks just to get my one pair." She said. I sighed as we walked to first period. I don't know that struggle because....well I'm spoiled as shit.

As we walked in to the classroom I peep Xavier sitting in my seat like as if he doesn't have his own.

"Can you get up please?" I asked him with a mug in my face. He looked up from his phone and smirked at me.

"Damn, you don't see me for a long time and that is the hello I get? Do I get a hug?" He asked. I sucked my teeth and placed my textbook on my desk.

"Move now please. It's not my damn fault that you decided to leave for over the month. Why the hell do you care if I say hi? You left without saying bye so." I said shrugging. He shook his head and stood up.

"It was last minute. It was business." He said. I chuckled and shook my head.

"I really can't take you seriously. Your business should be on school seeing as you are not even close to finished." I said. He sat in the seat next to me and leaned back in his chair.

"But when you see me with all this money you gonna be wanting some." He said with a slick smirk. Is he stupid? I can fucking buy his life.

"Wait but let's not forget who's brother is your boss. I can say one thing and your ass is gonna just as broke as these other niggas." I snapped. The smirk on his face disappears and he gave me a stale look.

"Girl is you crazy? You just disrespected Xavier out of all people. He can make you life in school a living hell with a snap of his fingers!" Chanel said with a worked look on her face. I rolled my eyes and opened up my instagram.

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