Chapter 7

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I am so close to killing my brother. I really really want to just strangle him. He is so damn annoying. He is always acting like as if he is my daddy. He needs to put all that extra energy in to his baby mama and the child that he is going to have.

"Your shift ended 2 hours ago and I am about to lock up." Monica said locking up her office. I sighed and grabbed my bag. I texted Mario a text to pick me up. He said 5 minutes.

"Alright, bye Monica. See you tomorrow." I said walking out the salon.

I only had to wait 3 minutes for Mario to come. I got in and he drove off.

"You said 5 but took 3." I said. He chuckled and stopped at a red light.

"My brother came in to the salon with his  baby mother today." I said with a heavy sigh at the end. He looked at me with concern then back at the road when the light turned green.

"Why the heavy sigh? What happened?" He asked. I rested my arm on the window.

"He is just so rude and annoying. I swear I can't do anything ever. He didn't even tell me he has a baby mother and he wants to yell at me for not telling him I got a job. Well, EXCUSE ME for wanting to make my own money and not live off my parents and brother for the rest of my life. Now I have to go home to a pissed of brother and probably father and I don't even know if my mother is home." I said. He looked at me from the corner of his eyes and smirked.

"Calm down babe. Just let them say what they got to and let them cool off. You're their baby girl and I don't think they will do anything." He said. I looked at him with an arched eyebrow.

"They may not if it is like you but me, they will never let me hear the end of it!" I said taking my hair out of a bun and then putting it back.

"Well call me or text me when you can. Alright?" He said as he pulled up in front of my house. I nodded and he gave me a kiss on the cheek. I got out his car and braced myself.

I walked inside the house quietly and closed the door behind me slowly. I took a deep breath and made my way upstairs. I made a sigh of relief when I got to my room door. Thank god for their 'job'.


"Rise and shine sleeping beauty" Lucia said, opening my curtains. I groaned and sat up. I got out of bed slowly and stretched when I was on my feet.

"Hurry up. Your brother is waiting to take you to school downstairs." She said, taking the sheets off my bed. I rolled my eyes at the mention of Anthony and went in to my bathroom to take a shower.

20 minutes later I got out and lotion up. I put on a pair of panties and a bra. I went in to my closet and decided scrub. I have no one to try and look cute for anyways. I put on a pair of black yoga pants, a pink hollister hoodie and my pink sparkly uggs. I put my hair in to a messy bun and grabbed my book bag off of the table that is in the middle of the closet. I turned off all the lights in there and my room and made my way down the stairs.

"Where is dad?" I asked Ant once I got down the stairs and in to the kitchen. He looked at me from his phone then back at it.

"Business trip." He simply said. I rolled my eyes and put a pop tart in to my bag.

"I am ready to go." I said walking towards the front door. I heard his footsteps following me.

I got in to his car and he got in right after. He quickly pulled out the driveway and started driving towards my school. I can feel his anger and it was just awkwardly silent.

"So you're just going to ignore me?" I asked him. He turned the music up louder. I smacked my lips and just took the radio off.

"I'm trying my best not to yell at you Jasmine so you better respect yourself today." He said. I rolled my eyes and crossed my legs.

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