Chapter 28

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Tammy in MM >>

Jasmine POV

"Oooo." Tammy groaned as I put her shoes on.

We both think she is going in to labor and she will only be a few days early. The downside is that Anthony is not even here.

"I don't want to have this baby!" Tammy groaned as we were in the elevator.

"Well you have no control over that. This baby may be coming whether you like it or not." I said. She groaned as I helped her outside.

One of the guards took over and helped her in to Anthony's Hummer. I got in after her and the guard got in to the drivers seat.

"Please make this as fast as possible." I said as I attempted to calm Tammy down.

"I want Anthony." she said as she started to cry.

"Don't worry, once we get to the hospital, I am going to call him and he will most likely be on his way over here." I said, trying to make her feel better. I really was freaking out on the inside because I don't know how to deal with a woman going in to labor.


"Breath Tammy." I said as I sat next to her in her hospital room.

"I don't want to fucking breath!! I am obviously fucking breathing if I'm alive! I want some fucking drugs before I kill someone!" She screamed. I sighed and exited the room, leaving her with her midwife.

I pulled out my phone and called Anthony's phone and patiently waited for him to pick up.

"Hello." I gasped loudly and covered my mouth with my free hand.

"Oh my god! Mommy!" I squealed.

"Hey baby. I missed you!" She said. I could only smile.

"So are you on your way home? When are going to be here?" I asked. I am beyond excited. This is the happiest I have been in so damn long!

"Not exactly. Honey...your brother got shot. He is in surgery right now." She said. And just like that, my happiness disappeared. I don't even know know what to say.

"W-what happened?" I managed to ask. I wiped the tears that fell from my eyes.

"He got shot in his chest. I don't know any details yet but I will make sure I will tell you." she said. I sighed and sucked up my tears. I know that he will me fine.

"Ok mommy. I will call you later." I said. I was about to hang up before she stopped me.

"Yah Uhm someone called your uncle earlier and they said Mario got shot. That's all I know but I have to go baby. I love you." She said hanging up.

I stared at my phone feeling angry, sad, nervous, and alone all at the same time. I snapped out of my trance and ran to the front desk of the emergency room.

"I need to know what room Mario Ramirez is in!" I said quickly.

"Room 130 on the third floor." she told me. I said a quick thank you before rushing to the elevator.

Once I got to the third floor, I tracked down Mario's room quickly and right when I was approaching, the doctor came out with his clipboard.

"How is he doing." I asked, out of breath.

"May I ask you your relations with Mr. Ramirez?" He asked.

"I'm his girlfriend." I answered. He nodded and looked down at his clipboard.

"Well, Mr. Ramirez was shot a totally of 4 times." I gasped and covered my mouth with my hand. "He was shot twice in his chest, once in his left forearm, once once in his left leg. we were able to remove all of the bullet through a successful surgery. He lost a lot of blood before he even got here and was unconscious. He had just had a seizure 15 minutes ago but he is now stable. Bad news is he is in an indefinite coma." He said. I took a few deep breaths before deciding to speak.

"Will he wake up?" I asked. He gave me a sad look which just made me cry harder.

"I don't know. I'm sorry but you can go see him." He said then walked away.

I don't know what to do. Two of the most important men in my life are in the hospital and my boyfriend is damn near death. What if he dies? How will Summer feel? How am I gonna cope?

It took me a couple minutes to put myself together. I opened his room door and my heart hurt seeing him laid up in a hospital bed with wires all attached to him.

"Baby." I said with a low voice as I sat in a chair by his bed. I held his hand in my hands and rested my forehead on it.

"I love you Mario and I hope that you can make it through this. I know you will. I don't know what I would do without you. You make me feel happier than I ever have and you have always been there for me. I love you." I said, placing a kiss against his hand.

I don't want to leave him but I have to check on Tammy. All I know is that I'm not leaving this hospital tonight.


"Aw. He is so beautiful." I said as I looked down at Tammy as she held her and Anthony's son. This little boy is Anthony's twin, no lie.

"I wish Anthony could see him." she said as she kissed the babies forehead.

"What are you going to name him?" I asked.

"Ace Emmanuel Pierre." She said smiling. I love that name. It's perfect.

-Two Weeks Later-

"Can y'all just leave me alone?" I asked as everyone crowded around my room because they are worried about me.

I'm fine. I really am. I have tried to occupy myself for the first week. I went out and got my drivers license but that is basically it.

"You haven't eaten in 3 days and I had to force you to eat before. You haven't left your room in a week. You haven't even went to see Mario." my mom said as she sat on the edge of my bed.

I brought my knees up to my chest and rested my chin on top.

"Talk to us Jasmine." Tammy said as she pat Ace's back so he will stop whining.

"I don't want to see him because it makes me feel depressed. I miss him and it's been two weeks and he hasn't woken up yet. I'm frustrated and I feel alone." I said. I wiped away some tears and sighed.

"What do you mean by you feel alone? We are all always home." Tammy said.

"Yah, you guys are home but you and Anthony are always busy with the baby. I barely even speak words to him anymore. Mommy, you are here but you don't talk to me like someone who hasn't seen their daughter in a damn long time! I feel like as if nobody gives a fuck that my best fucking friend is in a coma. I was just left to suck it up and deal with it." I expressed. I got up out of my bed and went in to my closet, slamming my door.


I zipped up my final bag and quietly brought it downstairs. I wrote a little note on a sticky note and left it on Ace's crib because I know Tammy checks on him at night. I specifically told her in the note to tell NOBODY except Summer.

I opened the door slowly and quietly. I unlocked one of the cars that I know doesn't have a tracking device in it and put my bags inside. I quickly jogged back in to the house and placed my phone on the foyer table. I left out the house, closing and locking the door.

I doubt that anyone will understand why I am doing what I am doing. Right now, with what I know, this is the best decision for myself. I need to feel better and staying here isn't gonna do that for me.

I sat in the car and looked at the plane ticket. I too a deep breath and drove out the driveway.




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