Chapter 22

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Jasmine POV

I am finally going to the salon! I miss working there so much. I'm excited to get back to work. Anthony doesn't know this of course. Mario does though...of course.

I walked through the salon door and saw my section just the way I left it.

"Your back! We missed you around here." Monica said. I smiled and gave her a hug.

"Yah. So much has went down. I had to take a little break. But I'm ready to get back to work." I said. She nodded and went back to the persons hair she was doing.

"Giiirrrlll. Finally!" Nini said. I laughed and sat down in my chair, facing her.

"I know. It's been way to long. What has been going on?" I asked her.

"Shit, not a damn thing. You?"

"Every damn thing." I said making us both laugh. "I took a short trip to Atlanta. I'm back though." I shrugged. I went to twist my bracelet around but only felt a bare wrist. I guess I forgot to put it on.

"How is that fine ass brother of yours?" She asked. I laughed and shook my head.

"He is good. Taking care of his baby moms."

"She ain't no problem." Nini said, smacking her lips. She is crazy.


"Ooo. Look at tall and handsome coming this way." Nini said. I turned around and saw Mario coming over to me...WITH FOOD!

"Hey baby!" I said. He bent down and gave me a peck on my lips.

"Hey beautiful. I brought you some food because I know you are ending late tonight." He said, placing the food on my table.

"Thank you. You look like you just came back from practice."

"Yah. I had classes all morning and then practice right after. A nigga is exhausted." He said, pulling his keys out of his pocket.

"Alright. I'm gonna see you in the morning. I think that Lucia would like to know that I am actually safe." I said with a small chuckle.

"Ok. Call me when you get home. I love you." he said and kissed my forehead.

"Bye." I said.

Once he left, Nini went right to talking.

"Damn he is fine! Lord have mercy. How is his sex game? It better be good." She said. I shook my head and sat down.

"We actually haven't had sex yet. I want it to actually mean something. He is fine with waiting."

"Girl, a man will only wait for so long! You have to satisfy your man before he finds someone to do your job." She advised.

I stayed quiet and thought about that for a second. Maybe she is right....nah. Mario isn't like that and I know it.

Tammy POV

"I'm coming!" I yelled, waddling my ass to the door. I gave Lucia a few days off because she works to hard. She deserves a break.

"Knocking like you crazy." I mumbled as I opened the door.

I was hella surprised to see Anthony.

"Ant!" I squealed. I jumped in to his arms and he catches me. He placed a kiss on my jaw and put me down.

"Hey Tammy. How you been?" He asked, coming inside. He didn't bring any bags so I know he isn't staying.

"I have been alright but I'm Fabulous now that I see you. I'm so happy you are alright. Have you found your mother?" I asked

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