Chapter 4

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Jasmine POV

I groaned from the birght light shining from my window.

"Rise and shine Ms. Jasmine. Time to get ready for school." Said. I smiled and sat up. I hopped out of bed and gave Lucia a hug when she was about to walk out the room.

"I am so excited. I hope people are nice." I said. She laughed and patted my back.

"Don't worry. If they not boys then they would love to be your friend." she said. I rolled my eyes playfully and thenlet her go.

I went in to my bathroom and took a 30 minutes shower. I got out and brushes my teeth. I wrapped my towel around me and walked in to my closet. I sat on my couch and lotioned my body. I put on my bra and panties and started to walk around my closet looking at all my clothes. I finally got tired and picked an outfit.

I put on lace shorts, white lace shorts, black cross necklace, jordans. I let my curly hair down and put a black and gold bow hair pin on the sdie of my hair. I put my phone in my bag and shut off all the lights in my closet. I went over to the side of my bed and grabbed my charger.

It feels so good to not have to wear a snobby uniform. I turned off my room lights and made my way down the stairs. I wallked in to the kitchen and out my bag down on the table. My brother was there already ready to take me to school.

"Hurry up. I got shit to do." He said. I rolled my eyes and grabbed a pop-tart out the cupboard and put it in my bag.

"Can we take a suttle car today. Like not your truck." I asked as we walked down the stairs to the garage. He unlocked his truck and I rolled my eyes.

"It's either my truck or your walking." He said. Looking at me up and down then ocked an eyebrow.

"What?" I asked walking over to the passenger side.

"You are so lucky I don't feel like beating ass today. Tomorrow you better wear some boyfriend jeans." He said hopping in to his car. I rolled my eyes and got in. I put my seatbelt on and he pulled out and sarted driving towards my new school.

"I am kind of nervous Ant." I said playing with my nails. I got them done yesterday, Just a simple black and gold and black cheetah print on the ring finger.

"I am not good at this stuff Jas. I guess you just got to be you and hope for the best." He said shrugging. I smacked my lips and shoved his shoulder.

"Your suppose to at least try and sugar coat it." I said He chuckled and looked at me.

"Since when did I ever sugar coat anything?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders because he does have a good point.


30 minutes later, we pulled up to the sachool. It was really big and it was pretty from the outside. I sighed as Anthony pulled up to the front of the school.

"Aight. Get the fuck out of my truck." He said unlocking the doors. I rolled my eyes and hopped out.

"Love you." He said before I shut the door. I nodded and he drove off. I took a deep breath and walked toawrdss the double doors. People where around the courtyard just staring at the new girl; me.

I entered the school and it was HUGE. It was lfodded with students talking and laughing and all that. I went to the office and they gave me my schedule and my locker number and lock.

I started looking around and finally found my locker, but a group of girls where around it. They where kind of taller than me but they where pretty.

"Excuse me." I said. They stopped talking and looked at me. I waited patiently for them to move or at least say something.

"And you are?" One of the girls asked.

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