Ever since the whole Mia and Julio thing, Harry's been really protective over me. Sometimes it stresses me out because I feel like a child again having to obey my mother, but at the same time, it's brought us closer.
Harry called the police and they went to go arrest Mia and Julio.....except they were missing. It's kind of scary knowing they're out there and we don't know what they're going to do next, but we're taking one step at a time and handling things together.
That's how we've been brought closer, and not just me and Harry. Darcy's also been growing on him. For once, I actually feel like I have a real family. Not like my parents who tell me who to be. And when I screwed it all up they decided to kick me out.
This family that I have now is glued together with love, not perfection.
Darcy got her cast off about 6 weeks ago and she's back to normal, which is great because her birthday is coming up. My little girl is about to be five, and we won't have to celebrate it alone.
All of her birthday celebrations were small because my job didn't provide enough money to go all out. We usually just got a small cake and I got her a present.
We could never have a party because she didn't have many friends. All of the moms at the preschool thought I was a teenage slut and didn't want their children coming over to a party hosted by me.
But that's okay because this year we can take our family out somewhere, since Harry's a huge star now. He insists that he pays for everything. And I mean everything.
If I need to go out to buy even toothbrush with my own money he gets upset. So why should I complain? That's why I quit my job, or more like he made me.
I do feel bad because I don't do anything to make the money that we use to support us, but Harry would just get mad if I tried to even earn a penny. So I gave up and just accepted it.
I really like Harry, but he doesn't think I really do. Well he does, but he doesn't think I love him. I'm not sure what I feel right now. I'm just waiting for things to get settled down because I don't want anything to be rushed.
The other night he sang She's Not Afraid to me and I instantly got the message.
For everyone who hasn't heard the song, here's the chorus:
She's not afraid of all the attention
She's not afraid of running wild
How come she's so afraid of falling in lo-o-o-ove?
She's not afraid of scary movies
She likes the way we kiss in the dark
She's so afraid of fa-fa-falling in lo-o-o-ove
So yeah I got the message. If you haven't heard the song, you should. It's actually really good and quite catchy.
I was sitting on the couch with all of these thoughts running through my head when I realized I was humming the song. See I told you it was catchy.
Side note: after I wrote that ^^ I noticed my sister was listening to that song in her room. hahah sister telepathy. Now she's listening to Rock Me. Okay back to the story.
Harry looked over to me and smiled.
"So have you been thinking about it?"
"Yes, but before you ask what my final decision is, I'm still trying to decide."
"Take all the time you need."
Harry's POV
I hope I'm not rushing her.

Harry's Girl (Harry Styles Fanfic)
Teen Fiction"What happened this summer stays between us. Got it?" I nodded my head in agreement. No one could know we were together. Harry was the most popular boy in school, but most people didn't even know I existed. So we went on with our lives. 6 weeks late...