S/O to KoraDarden and Kelseyrhea2 for convincing me to keep this :) ily guys
Darcy runs to me with her little arms spread as wide as they can go.
"Hey baby, I missed you."
"No love for daddy then? Ok fine," Harry said as he pretended to pout.
Darcy giggled and padded over to Harry.
"Dar? What's going-"
Perrie's eyes lit up as soon as she saw me, and they also traveled to my stomach. I pretended not to notice.
"Hey Per!"
"Em! Lets run to the store and go ahead to get those te-"
"Tests from work, it's a hair test... I may be re-dying my hair."
"Yeah...." I shoot a glance at Perrie and she shrugs. What the hell are hair tests?
I ignore Harry's strange look and run to the car.
"Perrie ya big mouth!"
"Sorry I forgot!"
Harry's POV
I was busy re-packing when Darcy walked into my room.
"Daddy, where are you going now?"
I could hear the hurt in her voice.
"I'm going on tour sweetie, I'm sorry, but didn't mummy tell you?"
That's weird. Emma's been acting strange lately.
"Darcy, do you know where mummy is?"
"Yeah she went shopping."
"For what?"
"Tests!" Darcy giggled.
"Auntie Perrie told me!"
"The tests for her hair?"
"I dunno."
She ran out to her room and I called Zayn. He must know something about this if it involves his fiancé dying her hair.
"Hey Zayn?"
"What's up mate?"
"Em and Perrie just went to dye Perrie's hair."
"You heard me."
Emma's POV
"No no, I decided to keep it blonde," Perrie said into the phone. Apparently Zayn isn't happy with Perrie dying her hair.
She hung up and turned to me.
"I can't believe Harry called Zayn."
"Yeah well I can't believe Harry believed there's a such thing called a hair test."
We both collapsed in laughter as I picked up about 12 pregnancy tests and headed to the check out.
The cashier was some teenager who couldn't take her eyes off of me.

Harry's Girl (Harry Styles Fanfic)
Teen Fiction"What happened this summer stays between us. Got it?" I nodded my head in agreement. No one could know we were together. Harry was the most popular boy in school, but most people didn't even know I existed. So we went on with our lives. 6 weeks late...