But first...
When I wrote the last few chapters I thought to myself, I totally just screwed this book up. I just thought it was getting boring and I needed to spice it up a bit. I realized how ridiculous the whole Anna/Mia thing sounded and just decided it would be a dream.....butttttt I got more votes than I have ever gotten just on those chapters. Thank you all soooo much!!!! I would probably be deleting this book, thinking it wasn't good enough if it weren't for you guys. Thanks again and I love every single one of my readers!!! Okayy here's chapter 22 for you guys! hope you like it (:
I slowly got out of bed and went to Darcy's room.
She was sound asleep.
I've been having dreams like this for a while...but this was the worst one yet.
The dream was so vivid and clear, as if I was actually there. Usually, when I wake up the dreams are hazy and I don't remember much. But not this one.
I felt arms wrap around my waist and I jumped.
"What's wrong?"
I turned around and I was face to face with Harry.
"I-I'm having those dreams again."
"But why? I thought you stopped having them last month."
"So did I..but I guess not."
"It's alright. You're probably just stressed about something. We can just relax today."
"Okay- wait no."
"Why? Emma you need to rest. It's 6 am. You're supposed to be sleeping in."
"Harry, it's Darcy's birthday."
"Oh right," he grinned. "I can't miss it. It's the first time we'll all be together as a family."
He pecked me on the lips and then headed to the kitchen to make breakfast. Thank goodness he's here to make something special and edible for Darcy. When I try to do something creative for her birthday, it just turns out to be a huge mess.
I watched as Harry flipped the pancakes and somehow shaped them into little hearts. He made eggs and bacon and even toast with jam. Wow, he's awesome. I'm glad my man can cook.
That's right. Be jealous.
Darcy's an early riser, so she'll be up soon. As soon as I thought that, a little girl pranced down the stairs.
"Goooooooood morning!"
"Happy birthday sweetie!"
"Thanks mommy," she blushed.
"I made a big, special breakfast for my little princess."
I smiled as Harry picked Darcy up and kissed her on the cheek.
Harry handed me a plate and I gladly took it as my stomach growled.
"So Darcy, what do you want to do today?"
"I wanna go to Princess Palace!"
I frowned.
Princess Palace was literally in a palace and little girls go there for tea parties, princess makeovers, and to just have fun, but it's very expensive.
"Honey, we went over this last year. We don't have the money to go."
Harry cleared his throat.
"Yes we do."

Harry's Girl (Harry Styles Fanfic)
Teen Fiction"What happened this summer stays between us. Got it?" I nodded my head in agreement. No one could know we were together. Harry was the most popular boy in school, but most people didn't even know I existed. So we went on with our lives. 6 weeks late...