"Mrs. Styles?"
I looked up at the nurse.
"Dr. Gald is ready to see you," she motioned for me to follow her.
I got up and took harrys hand. We were led to a small room and I was instructed to sit where I usually would.
I'm four months now.
Last month only darcy could come with me because the only night they could book an appointment was the night of a show.
Harry was disappointed but I promised him next time.
Living with the boys on tour has been exciting but very stressful.
For example, where we go next, what we are doing, when the hell my next appointment and how I'm getting there.
But it's all totally worth it. That guy that I thought was checking me out, calum, is now one a good friend of mine. It's amazing how you can get to know a person backstage.
Dr. Gald walked in the room and harry squeezed my hand.
"Emma, is it? I don't believe I have seen you before."
That's another catch. A new doctor every damn month.
"I've been traveling," I smiled.
"Alright then let's get started."
He put the cold cold gel on, which I've learned to get accustomed to, and started the ultrasound.
"Okay, here is an arm," he mumbled. "Ah! Here's the head! Would you like to know the gender?"
"Yes!" I was super excited.
"Actually, could we keep it a surprise?"
I looked up at harry, and I was a little disappointed because I wanted to know.
"I guess, if that's what you want babe."
He smiled cheekily and squeezed my hand once more.
"Okay then, a surprise it will be."
I was cleaned up and we were soon done.
"That was a bit quicker than I expected," harry said as we walked across the lot.
"Well you'll get used to it, how was it?"
"Absolutely amazing. It was just so incredible," he beamed.
We drove back to the tour bus he was currently settled in. It was a bit small, ours of course was better. And by ours I mean Carrie, Perrie, El, Lou, lux, darcy, and I. Dani and liam broke up a while back and she hasn't really made much of an effort to talk to us about it.
"Sooo how did it go?"
I looked at an excited liam and smiled.
"Very good actually."
"Any tears?"
"Louie you wish, I'm a man."
I snuck a quick nod to Louie. Harry lost it in the car.
"Boys lets go, sound check."
They all groaned and gathered their things. Harry gave me a quick peck on the cheek and then left for the arena.
I was barely seeing him at all any more.
I made my way off their bus and went to the 5sos one.
"Emma!" They all shouted.
"Hey guys, where's Darce?"
"Sleeping as usual," ashton muttered as he played Fifa with Michael.

Harry's Girl (Harry Styles Fanfic)
Teen Fiction"What happened this summer stays between us. Got it?" I nodded my head in agreement. No one could know we were together. Harry was the most popular boy in school, but most people didn't even know I existed. So we went on with our lives. 6 weeks late...