We arrived at Princess Palace and Darcy's jaw dropped to the floor. Like seriously. I had to bend down and pick it up.
Just kidding...
That would be abnormal..
I was snapped out of my thoughts when I heard something that I knew would ruin Darcy's birthday.
"Hey! That's Harry Styles!! AHHHH!"
Harry groaned as a group of girls came over to him.
"Harry Harry spend the day with us!"
"Marry me!"
"Take a selfie with me puhleaseeee"
Harry smiled at them.
"I love every single one of you but I'm here to spend the day with my daughter, Darcy. It's her birthday and I want to be with her for her big day."
"OH how old is she?"
"That's so sweet!"
"Aweee she's so cute!"
"Thank you. She's five today. Right Dar?"
"That's right daddy! Hey girls guess what!"
"Oh my gosh she's adorable."
"Harry Style's daughter just talked to me!"
"I got a new dress, shoes, and even this pretty tiara from my Uncle Niall, Uncle Liam, Uncle Louis, Uncle Zayn, Aunt Perrie, and Aunt Eleanor," she breathed out.
"Awe omg!!!!!"
"That's a big family.."
"Can I like.... live with you..."
Darcy talked to the fans for a couple more minutes. Finally, they left and we could get back to Darcy's birthday. Don't get me wrong, Harry and I love the fans....but sometimes they're a bit..er.. overwhelming.
Harry chuckled.
"What's so funny?"
"Just how Darcy got along so well with those girls, and how they were practically worshipping a five year old."
I laughed and took his hand while Darcy was holding my other one. She squeezed it and squealed like a pig.
She ran over to the princess and tugged on her gown.
She turned around and looked at Darcy.
"Hello, I'm Snow White, what's your name?"
"What a beautiful name."
Darcy blushed and started to ask her questions.
Soon enough, all of the other princesses talked to Darcy. They really seemed to like her.
After saying our goodbyes, we went to the beauty section.
Darcy and I walked through the doors. Harry tried to but Darcy screamed.
"Daddy! No boys allowed!"
Harry held his hands up while backing away.
"Okay, alright."
Darcy giggled and sat down in one of the chairs.
A stylist came and made small talk with her as she styled Darcy's hair. She curled it and put it up. She finished with two sparkly clips and glitter hairspray. She got her make up bag and I hesitated. Darcy's only five.... but it is her birthday. I sighed letting the stylist continue.
She brushed silvery glitter eye shadow on her and a little bit of blush. Then came the mascara and lipstick. I bit my lip as I saw Darcy get older right before my eyes. She's growing up way to fast.
Once she was done Darcy jumped out of the chair and ran out to Harry. He gasped when he saw her.
"Why in the world does my five year old have on make up?!"
"Harry it's her birthday and she seemed really excited."
He hesitated. "I guess you're right, but this isn't becoming a daily thing."
Darcy smiled. "I like make up. Can I start wearing it when I turn six?"
Harry looked down at her.
"Definitely not! You can't wear any until you're thirty years old."
"Daddy!" She whined. "That's too old!"
"Fine. Twenty."
Harry rolled his eyes.
"Fine. Deal."
They shook on it and Darcy perked up.
"Why can't I wear make up? It makes me look a whole lot prettier."
"Darcy," Harry was about to start one of his fatherly speeches. "You are beautiful without it, and if no one can see that, then forget them."
Darcy giggled. "Okay daddy."
By the end of the day we were all exhausted.
Darcy fell asleep in the car, so Harry carried her in. I wiped her make up off of her face and put her in her pjs. I tucked her in bed and went to my own room.
I threw myself on the bed, not really caring if I was still wearing my make up. Minutes later I felt arms wrap around me.
"I love you Emma."
"I love you too, and thanks for what you did for Darcy today."
"It was no big deal. I missed out on four years of her life. Today needed to be special."
I smiled as he kissed my forehead.
I closed my eyes and fell into a deep slumber.
Hey! sorry I haven't updated in a while! I got a 100 more reads in like three days...WHAT
thank you all so much! I love you guys!
oh and sorry this is shortish
vote and comment!

Harry's Girl (Harry Styles Fanfic)
Teen Fiction"What happened this summer stays between us. Got it?" I nodded my head in agreement. No one could know we were together. Harry was the most popular boy in school, but most people didn't even know I existed. So we went on with our lives. 6 weeks late...