I woke up with Harry no where to be found.
I'm 5 months pregnant now, you'd think he'd be here.
It was 11 am though, so it's not like he's intentionally left.
I found Calum and Darcy in the kitchen.
"hey where is Harry?"
"sound check." Calum muttered.
Darcy ate her cereal quietly.
"What's going on?"
"He wasn't too happy last night after everything."
I sighed. Ever since I went out with Calum and Darcy, Harry's always been jealous of Calum.
Last night though, he was really bothered because Calum took Darcy out for ice cream and she came back saying that it was the best part of the whole trip because it was so much fun, even more fun than when her and Harry went out for ice cream the week before.
"I'm sorry," Darcy mumbled.
"Darce, baby, don't be sorry. You had a good time with uncle cal. Daddy can't be mad at you for that."
I didn't get a response from either one of them.
"you know, Em, maybe I should just keep my distance and leave you and Darcy alone," Calum said.
"Cal, you aren't even bothering us."
"yes but I'm bothering Harry."
"He can deal with it. Darcy needs to be entertained and your doing a good job. he should be thanking you for keeping her busy so he can do his job without feeling guilty for her boredom."
"yeah but now he's just mad."
"well come on. I'm going to go see him today."
"I don't need to come," Cal said.
"yeah that might be best," I whispered.
I grabbed Darcy's hand and we walked the short distance to the stadium.
we got in through the back easily. I saw Harry singing and smiled.
He waved but didn't really smile.
I was sitting there for the next thirty minutes watch Darcy dance around when Calum walked up.
"what are you doing? thought you were keeping your distance?"
"I have sound check after them. he can't get mad at me for watching with you."
I sighed knowing well enough that Harry would.
I know that Calum also knows that.
Harry watched us carefully. so carefully that he missed his part.
"what are you doing here with her?" he said through the mike.
"dude chill I have sound check. you're not the only band performing tonight."
Harry shook his head and walked off of the stage.
"what the fuck was that?" Liam said.
"Harry's mad because Emma's spending more time with Calum than she is with him," Niall said.
"I'm right here.." I yelled.
they didn't seem to care and kept gossiping.
I was just done.
why is Harry the one being emotional? shouldn't that be me?
I walked out with Calum and Darcy holding his hand.
"I can take it from here," I said as I reached for Darcy's hand.
And that's when the cameras flashed and the headlines about me and Calum started up.
And that's also how Harry became convinced we were secretly seeing each other.
every night after that, I found him with a drink in his hand and a magazine with Calum and I's faces on the cover, passed out.
I feared what was going to happen next. Where would we be in our relationship when this tour ended? Or when the baby was born?
All I could ask for was for realization to slap him in the face so he could see the truth, and not be blinded by all the lies anymore.

Harry's Girl (Harry Styles Fanfic)
Teen Fiction"What happened this summer stays between us. Got it?" I nodded my head in agreement. No one could know we were together. Harry was the most popular boy in school, but most people didn't even know I existed. So we went on with our lives. 6 weeks late...