okay guys this IS an update but before I start, let me just say thanks a billion times.
thank ya
plus a billion more^^
BECAUSE I got 120+ reads just over the last two chapters. like omg what.
My wattpad dream is to become one of the first books recommended when you click on the fanfiction section. And thanks to you guys, I'm on my way. Not even close to it, but I'm getting there. hopefully. I want to have 1000 reads by the end of janurary. MMMAAAYYBBBEEE it will happen.
okay sorry for holding you up, but I have to say one more thing, please check out my other book, Bad Boy Horan. I think I've been doing a good job at writing it but of course, I need your opinion.
okay I'm done wasting your time! and thanks again!!!
Emma's Pov
I woke up not so peacefully.
"Hmmmm the day that I should be able to sleep in?" I said while rubbing my eyes.
"Nooo silly mummy! The day before the day before my birthday."
"Oh really?"
"Well good for you," I said as my phone rang.
I picked it up knowing who it was.
"Hey hey Perrie."
"Emma! Guess what!"
"Zayn told me to tell you that he's taking us to America so we can all be together for a vacation before the wedding starts to come into play. Because that's chaos waiting to happen."
"OMG no way! Where in America? And when?"
"New York baby! We can shop til we drop!"
"Oh it will be so perfect! Christmas is coming up so we can see the big Christmas tree there!"
"Yeah! We leave tomorrow!"
"Oh wow. So soon?"
"Yeah! Apparently, we're staying for a month!"
My jaw literally dropped to the floor.
"A month?! Why! I can't have Christmas in New York!"
"Sure you can! We'll be in the best hotel and we get the best suites. It will be the most luxurious month of your life. All expenses paid."
"Wow! Great! But why a month-"
"I gotta go bye!"
The line was dead.
"Hey Harry, Perrie just-"
I turned around to find the bed empty.
I snuck into the hallway until I heard voices.
"Okay so we're there for a month?"
"Yeah that's right. That way they can't find Emma and Darcy. They'll be completely safe."
"Great. Thanks Zayn. Remember, we mustn't tell anyone about this not even the boys. The only people that know are me and you."
I heard mumbling and then Harry's outraged voice.
"You told Perrie?! She'll tell Emma! They're both best friends!"
"No no I made sure she wouldn't tell. She knows that their lives are on the line."
"Okay I trust her, but if she says one thing it's over."
"Got it."
I heard footsteps and then the door slam.
I ran back to the room and jumped into bed.
Harry walked into the room and smiled.
"Did Perrie call?"
"Yeah! But we're staying for a month. It's a little strange if you ask me. Have any idea why?"
He looked uncomfortable for a second then smiled again.
"I guess just because they love New York."
Ugh. He won't tell me anything.
"Well I told Perrie I wasn't going to go because I don't like New York. To many busy people. You know? You can go though. Darcy and I will be fine. All alone."
His smile turned to a worried frown.
"Is there a problem with that?"
"Well I was hoping we could take Darcy somewhere special for her birthday."
"Er I guess you're right. I'll go."
I sighed and walked to the kitchen. And Harry didn't follow.
And that was when I saw a letter on the counter addressed to Harry.
I opened it up and saw my name but someone snatched it out of my hands before I could read anything else.
"Why did you do that," I glared at him.
"Err it's a secret letter between me and management. Nothing to do with you, love. I promise."
Management my ass. That's not one of their letters because it would be printed on blue paper. Not White with blood-red lettering. And what does he mean it isn't about me? I saw my own damn name.
I know he's keeping something from me, and whatever it is, I will find out.
And not even he can stop me.
uh oh uh oh what the hell is going on here?!
hahaha I left ya hanging.
Sorry it's short but I may update again tonight if I feel like it.
The reason I say that is that I feel a little sick right now ): plus I'm really tired. I stayed up all night last night watching movies because that's how much of a loner I am.
vote and comment!

Harry's Girl (Harry Styles Fanfic)
Teen Fiction"What happened this summer stays between us. Got it?" I nodded my head in agreement. No one could know we were together. Harry was the most popular boy in school, but most people didn't even know I existed. So we went on with our lives. 6 weeks late...