"I'm pregnant!"
It took me a while to register the words that just spilled out of Emma's mouth. I opened mine to say something, but I just couldn't.
Paul was saying something to me but I just wasn't listening. Emma was biting her lip and waiting for my reaction, but she didn't get one. Paps bombarded her.
"Emma! Emma! Did you really just announce that you're..."
I heard no more as I was taken away to board the plane.
I came back to the present and tried to fight Paul.
"NO NO, Emma!!"
"You can skype Emma when you get on the plane Harry. We can't miss this flight.."
I was forced into a seat as the closed the door.
"Mate... are you alright?"
I looked over to Zayn and just shook my head. Liam leaned over amd whispered something to him and Zayn's eyes widened.
"Oh, Harry, I'm so sorry."
I looked up at Liam in confusion.
"How'd you know?"
He handed me his laptop and showed me a youtube video that was getting more and more views. I clicked on it and watched.
"Oh my gosh there's Harry! What's he doing? Harry! Harry!"
"Kris shut up! Emma just said she's pregnant!"
The video showed Emma and me trying to get to her. I could barely hear anything over the screaming fans but I saw Emma's tear stained face.
I gave Liam his phone back and looked out the window as the plane took off.
Perrie pushed all the paps off of me and took me to the car.
"Em, I'm so sorry."
"Wait so you're pregnant?" Carrie questioned as she got into the car with a sleeping Darcy.
"Yup," I said popping the p.
"Oh jeez Em this has to suck."
I waved her off and looked out the window. Planes were landing and leaving.
My phone buzzed and I answered the call.
"Hello?" I croaked.
"Em? Are you really... pregnant?"
"Yes, Harry. I wanted to tell you sooner but I didn't want to get our hopes up."
"Em, I feel terrible. I said I wouldn't leave you while you were pregnant again. I didn't know. I wish I was with you right now."
"I wish a lot of stuff but it's hard when your husband is busy all the time."
"I'm sorry Em."
"Harry, I don't want to get in the way of your career, but I know that I am so I should be the one saying sorry."
"Emma, you know that you, Darcy, and the baby come first, always."
"But Harry-"
"Always, Em. Don't put yourself down like that. Now I've talked to management. How do you think you would feel if you came on tour?"
I gasped. "Tour? Harry, we would have to take Darcy and it would be so crazy I just don't know Hazza."
"Come on babe! We'll be going to amazing places. Think of it as a family vacation."
I chewed on the inside of my mouth as I thought about it.
"Perrie's coming in a month or so to join Zayn.." Harry said trying to convince me.
"But Carrie-"
"Is also coming to suprise Niall. She's going with Perrie."
I groaned and gave up.
"Fine! I'll come."
"Yes Emma! Trust me you won't regret it!"
I chuckled at his excitement. "So I'm coming in a couple of months?"
"That's right."
"You'll miss the first two appointments for the baby.."
"I know babe, but remember, I'll be there for every single one after that."
"Love ya Hazza."
"And I love you babe," he said as he hung up.
"Soo you're coming on tour with us.."
"Unfortunately," I giggled.
"Oh shut up! You're excited I can see it in your eyes!" Perrie laughed and Carrie was jumping up and down getting too excited about the whole situation.
We laughed with each other as I rubbed my belly. There wasn't a bump but I knew he/she was in there.
"So if the WWA tour isn't starting til late April then why did they leave so early?"
"The boys said they wanted to get settled and do some sightseeing before there first show, so they'll be taking little pitstops on the way to Bogota."
"Wow. So I guess we're coming in mid-feburary?"
"I think I wanna go in two or three months. Ya know, just to get everything settled."
"Sounds good."
"So that'd be around mid-march or mid-april?"
"I'll be three months pregnant when they do the first show."
Perrie looked over at me a nodded. I can't believe it was only the middle of Janurary. Feels like Feburary. I know I'll be around month 9 by the time the tour ends. I'll be ready to give birth. Oh gosh. I still just can't believe I'm pregnant.
"Time will fly by and before you know it, you'll be ready to pop."
I laughed at Perrie's comment as we pulled into the drive-way.
Sorry for the shortness and procrastination :/

Harry's Girl (Harry Styles Fanfic)
Jugendliteratur"What happened this summer stays between us. Got it?" I nodded my head in agreement. No one could know we were together. Harry was the most popular boy in school, but most people didn't even know I existed. So we went on with our lives. 6 weeks late...