Chapter 5 Choosing My Master

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~Libby's P.O.V.~

I groaned. My stomach hurt so bad. I fluttered my eyes open and saw Adam and Quentin smiling at me.

"You're awake," Adam smiled, pushing my bangs out of my eyes. I smiled at him.

"What happened?" I asked softly. My smile turned to a frown. "Shouldn't I be dead?"

"I infused you with some blood and stitched up the wound." Quentin said.

"Thank you," I whispered softly. "Really,"

"Libby, I know you're in pain and just woke up but," Adam sighed. "Ty says he's giving you up to either Quentin, Jerome, Ty, or myself. You get to pick who you want."

I gasped, chocking slightly on my own spit. "I get to pick?!"

Adam nodded. "Yeah,"

"I pick-" Suddenly, just as I about to say something, Mitch burst into the door with a man behind him.

This man had brown hair and brown eyes. He was hot, to say the least.

"Libby, you're awake," Mitch smiled. I nodded. He turned to the guy behind him. "This is Preston,"

"Hi," Preston smiled at me, showing his gleaming fangs. "You're Libby?"

I nodded my head, feeling it pound with a headache.

Adam saw the pain on my face and handed me a glass of water and pain pills. I gladly took the pills and swallowed them down with the water. "Thanks,"

"So, anyway," Mitch sighed, turning to Adam and Quentin. "Preston came here to buy one of the girls."

"Which one?" Quentin asked.

"I'm not giving Caitlin up. Tyler would kill if he had to give away Luna. Jason doesn't want to get rid of Nat and Ty gave up Libby so...." Mitch's eyes locked on mine.

"No," Adam said, standing up. "She is not leaving with him. She's staying here."

"Adam," Mitch sighed. "Let Libby pick."

Adam sighed and slumped back down in the chair. He looked at me, his normally green eyes now gold. "Just.......Choose wisely."

"I've got the choice between you, Quentin, Jerome, staying with Ty, or Preston," I thought it over. Ty would only hurt me, so I don't want him. Quentin seems a bit too tough on me, so he's off the list. That leaves Jerome, Adam, and Preston.

I sighed. Jerome is sweet anf funny. Adam is cute, kind-hearted, and cares for me. I've never even met Preston before but there is just something about him.

"Can I uh think this over?" I asked. Adam nodded.

"Of course," He swallowed hard and got up, leaving me alone.

"I'll be back in a few to check on you," Quentin said. I nodded and he left with Mitch and Preston.

Oh man......Who am I gonna choose?

Jerome, Adam, or Preston?

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