Chapter 8 Dealing Love and Slaves

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~Libby's P.O.V.~

It had only been a day and Preston treated me like a princess. I loved it, to be honest. He treated me like a human, and it felt so good. Especially when he'd hold me. That was my favorite part.

Right now, Preston was taking a shower and I was trying to cook. Trying being the key word here.

The smoke alarm went off and I groaned. Melodious laughter filled the air. I turned to see Preston, and knowing what happened the last time I did this, I flinched.

Preston's soft hands brought me to his chest, which was bare. He held me close to him.

"I'm not Ty," He said. "I won't hurt you love."

I buried my face in his warm, bare chest, which still had a water droplet here or there. Preston still had on a towel over his torso instead of clothes.

Preston reached over and turned the stove off. He kissed the top of my head. "Go head up to my room. I'll clean this up and order us some pizza."

I nodded and dashed upstairs. I fell onto Preston's soft bed. The blanket was warm, and electric, and looked like lava. It was so comfortable, but I prefered my Lapis blanket back at home. Home.....That wasn't my home anymore. This was. I love it here with Preston.

But I can't deny that I miss it there, too.

~Jerome's P.O.V.~

I walked over to the door and opened it. A young girl with brown hair and blue eyes looked up at me, as I was taller. I smiled and let her in.

"Let me teach you the rules," I said. "You are to call me master. You are to do as I say. If one of the other guys asks you to do something, you do it, unless it's a sexual service. Then, you come to me first. You'll have usually 5 to 10 chores a day, but for today you can just get settled in. There are three other slaves besides you. One just left, so we're all on edge here." I explained. She soaked in what I told her and nodded. "Also, don't speak unless spoken too."

"Yes master," She said. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure," I nodded.

"What are the names of the other slaves?"

"Caitlin, who belongs to Mitch. Luna, who belongs to Tyler. Natalie belongs to Jason. The one who left was named Libby, and belonged to Ty."

"L-Libby?" The girl, whose name was Clara, stuttered. Her blue eyes were wide.

"Yeah," I nodded, furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. "Something wrong?"

"What was her last name?" She asked.

"Oswald," I said. "Why?"

"That's my sister," Michaela gasped. "I lost her........To a Vampire,"

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