12: When a Stranger Visits

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(Pic of Liam on left and Danny on right)

Gracen's view

I've known Emery and the others for around two and half months now and I can tell you all they are an amazing group of people. Especially Emery, which I've said many times. I've gotten to know them pretty good and feel like Emery has opened up so much compared to what she was like that first week. My crush on her hasn't gotten any smaller, it's only gotten stronger.

Today in class we were supposed to be starting our essays, but I couldn't stop thinking about her even though Emery was sitting right next to me. When I glance over at her I can't help but smile, she just makes my heart melt. Seeing that cute concentrated face on her was just too much. Lately, it's gotten harder to keep my feelings for her in check. Suddenly I notice her shoulder, showing a tiny bit since her shirt slides a little to the left. I could make out beautiful well engraved lines and curves of her tattoo. It was just a little small part of it, but seeing it had me going crazy. What can I say, I go nuts for beautiful girls like Emery with tattoos. What I wouldn't give to kiss the edge of her tattoo and make my way to her beautiful lips......

"Gracen, please get your work started instead of daydreaming," demanded my teacher.

I totally snapped out of the little fantasy there and nodded. When I looked over at Emery, she was trying hard to not laugh. "What's got you so spaced out today?" she asks.

"Oh, nothing," I reply quickly trying to avoid eye contact with her so she doesn't see my growing blush.


Ethan's view

I was admiring how adorable Jordie looked in his sweater from the corner of my classroom. Not trying to be creepy, but I couldn't help but look at him and blush a tiny bit. I've had a crush on him for a few months, but no one knows I'm gay except for my family. Aiden and Emery always try to embarrass me when I'm around him or try to talk me into asking him out. But I'm just not ready yet, maybe in the future though. It's nice having the ability to relate to someone in sexuality like Emery. Sure, she's bisexual, but she totally understands what I'm going through and I seriously could not have asked for a better sister. I love her to death. She and her mom are the only people who have ever treated us like family and I'd do anything for them.

Just as I'm happily reminiscing memories of my family, I completely tense up and a surge of anger comes up as I see Liam enter the class and talk to the teacher.

"Listen up class, Liam is a returning student. Please welcome him again," announces the teacher.

Welcome him, yeah right, I think. Who would want to welcome back this scum bag. Why would he even come back? I glance over at Jordie and he's giving me a half angry and half shocked face about Liam being back too. Just great. Liam better not even come near Emery after all the shit he put her through last year. If he does I'll be sure to kick his ass. No one hurts my sister.

At lunch time, Jordie and I try to find Emery as fast as we can. We need to tell her so she wouldn't be shocked as hell when she sees Liam is here.

We around the corner and almost run into Emery and Gracen. "Why are you guys in such a rush? You two scared the shit out of me," Emery said chuckling.

"Em, there's something important I need to tell you. Liam's back," I said abruptly.


Emery's view

The moment I heard "Liam's back" I felt a numb feeling overcome me. There was nothing to say, so I just stayed quiet and looked down. I just couldn't believe he was back after everything. Why couldn't he just stay away, why does he have to always reel me in and torture me. Haven't I've had enough hurt for a lifetime.

I look up at Ethan and say, "Okay, thanks for giving me a heads up." I had to get out of this crowded place because it felt like my heart would shatter at any moment. I just couldn't deal with Liam. Not again or ever. The hurt he caused me and the guilt I have is too much. So, I turned away from everyone and walked away. I heard Gracen and Ethan call out my name. I could hear the footsteps behind me, but I didn't stop, I just couldn't. As I turned the corner I accidently bumped into someone and had to stop to apologize.

"Hey, I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking where I........," I stopped myself as I looked up and saw Liam's face light up as he saw me.

"Hey Em, long time no see. You're still as beautiful as ever,"

I didn't even have to time to comprehend him standing in front of me before Aiden came up and roughly pushed Liam out of the way.

"Don't ever come near my sister again, you hear. She and I and our friends and family want nothing to do with a bastard like you," Aiden says glaring at him.

"Nice to see you too Aiden. Trying to act tough. I remember you being all bark and no bite," replied Liam coldly.

"Don't tempt me Liam. This time I have a chance to give you a long awaited broken nose before you have a chance to run again," added Aiden angrily sizing Liam up.

Everything was happening too fast and it felt like de javu. I could tell Aiden was getting really pissed off so I pulled his arm. He looked at me and calmed down, just as Ethan and Gracen found us.

"Don't come near her again unless you want to get your ass beat up by us," said Ethan before he pulled me and Aiden outside.

My brothers asked if I was okay and of course I said yes, I didn't want to worry them. Everything wasn't okay at all. I'm sure Gracen could tell how I really felt because she kept giving me weird looks and she even pulled me in for a hug. I know she's probably confused as fuck about what just happened, but I didn't have it in me to explain everything now. Maybe later, if I could bring it up without crying or spiraling back into depression.

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